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Who is the most popular student at Hogwarts?

Who is the most popular student at Hogwarts?

Harry Potter: The Best Students At Hogwarts Ranked By Their…

  1. 1 Percy Weasley. At the top of the list is, somewhat surprisingly, Percy Weasley.
  2. 2 Hermione Granger.
  3. 3 Harry Potter.
  4. 4 Ron Weasley.
  5. 5 Neville Longbottom.
  6. 6 Seamus Finnigan.
  7. 7 Draco Malfoy.
  8. 8 Fred & George Weasley.

Who were the popular kids in Hogwarts?

James Potter and Sirius Black. This is mostly directed at Sirius since James was quite publicly focused on Lily, but both them were extremely popular, exceptionally powerful, wealthy. James was a near prodigy in Quidditch, and Sirius was a very handsome.

Which house in Harry Potter has the most people?

Hufflepuff is the most populated because Helga Hufflepuff said she’d teach everybody, no matter their background or personality, as long as they had magical ability.

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Who was the most popular girl in Harry Potter?

1. Hermione Granger. The brightest witch of her age! Hermione Granger has such an arc over the course of the eight Harry Potter films.

Which house is best in Hogwarts?

Hufflepuff is the best house in Harry Potter—and the most misunderstood. “Why isn’t it exciting to be told that you’re a kind person?”

Who is the prettiest girl in the Harry Potter books?

According to the books, Ginny was the prettiest, not the most beautiful (Get the difference?) Ginny was far more attractive than any of these(in the books) in the movies Hermione is the most attractive.

Which Harry Potter character was the best Hogwarts student?

As much as people bet that Hermione is the best Hogwarts student, you might be surprised how well some of the other Harry Potter characters performed. Despite Harry’s extracurricular activities such as Quidditch, going to Hogsmeade, and repeatedly defeating the darkest wizard of all time, his primary focus is at Hogwarts.

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Which Harry Potter House is the most influential?

Gryffindor is the Harry Potter house that is most heavily focused on. It has the longest page time devoted to explaining the history and traditions of Gryffindor. Gryffindor is the home of three main characters in the Harry Potter series. It is surprising that Gryffindor House is a relatively small number of people, almost like an elite club.

Is Albus Potter the most powerful student at Hogwarts?

Maybe one day, Albus Potter might rank higher on the list of the most powerful Hogwarts students, but at the moment, he is still young. As the son of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, Albus was sorted into the Slytherin House when he enrolled at Hogwarts, much to everyone’s shock (especially his brother James’, who was was sorted into Gryffindor).

Do the houses of Hogwarts have an official ranking?

So, let’s give the Hogwarts houses an official ranking. The true outcome that the House Cup would have had if the system worked only to reflect the good and bad behaviors of the students of each house like it is supposed to. Here are all the Hogwarts houses ranked according to how much trouble they caused in Hogwarts.