Tips and tricks

How do you answer this question how was your day?

How do you answer this question how was your day?

Think about how you reply when someone asks you “how was your day?”. More often than not, you probably respond with a “fine” or “not bad” or even a “can’t complain”. It’s similar to questions like “How are you?”, “How’s things?” or “Wassup?”.

What is your day like answer?

I might use “What’s your day like?” somewhere around the middle of the day, when the listener already has a good idea of how the day is going. The answer might be “It’s OK, thanks. Pretty busy but I can handle it.

How do I ask my boyfriend about his day?

Here are some of the questions I ask my boyfriend and some that he has asked me:

  1. Did anything out of the ordinary happen today?
  2. What was the best thing that happened today?
  3. Was today better or worse than yesterday?
  4. What did you have for lunch?
  5. If you had to call out, who would cover for you?
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How was your day text answer?

No need to reply, “Hi! Fantastic! I’m having such a great day, especially now that you’ve messaged me!” Instead, think of it like responding to a friend that sent you this message.

How do you answer a how was your day text?

How is your day going Meaning?

If someone asks you, “How is your day (going)?”, they are asking what events have occurred in your life, so far, today. (Is it a good day, or a bad day?

How your day been meaning?

“How’s been your day” would mean either “How is been your Day” or “How has been your day”, but no native speaker of English would ask it in that form….

  1. How is your day going? – Asking during the day, before the day is finished.
  2. How has your day been?
  3. How was your day – Asking when the day is over.

How was your day meaningful?

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Instead of resorting to the same old “How was your day?” try asking questions that inspire more meaningful and enjoyable end-of-day conversations with your loved ones. “How was your day?” can symbolize your willingness to be present with someone else’s thoughts and feelings, and that in itself is a gesture of generosity.

How do you ask someone how their day was?

So, while in a rush to connect in a limited amount of time, you likely default to asking the standard “How was your day?” on the way home from school or at the dinner table. And in response, you probably receive the standard one-word answer like “fine” or “good” most of the time.

What is your answer to tell me about yourself?

A General Answer to “Tell Me About Yourself” Possible Answer 1: “I am a self-starter with strong interpersonal skills. I work efficiently both as an individual contributor as well as along with a team.

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How do you respond to ‘how was your day?

In a rush to connect in a limited amount of time, many parents default to asking the standard “How was your day?” on the way home from school or at the dinner table. And in response, they receive the standard one-word answer like “fine” or “good.”