
How do I become an optimistic nihilist?

How do I become an optimistic nihilist?

The optimistic nihilist looks at a world lacking meaning and purpose and sees the opportunity to create their own. Optimistic nihilism can be an incredibly empowering belief. In embracing it, you have the power to change your experience from a negative one to a positive one.

Why optimistic nihilism is wrong?

Optimistic nihilism is a farce. One cannot be optimistic about meaninglessness because it as a worldview cannot offer any predictions about the future. After all, to be optimistic is specifically to believe that good things will occur, and one can’t know that for sure specifically from nihilism of any kind.

Is optimistic nihilism just existentialism?

Optimistic Nihilism shares the same roots as Existential Nihilism in that it starts with the proposition that life has no intrinsic purpose. It has been compared to Jean Paul Sartre’s Existentialism which declares that life has no meaning, except the one that we choose to give to it, every hour.

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Is optimistic nihilism contradictory?

The problem with ‘optimistic nihilism’ is that the phrase itself is a contradiction. ‘Nihilism’ is defined as the absence of meaning. ‘Optimism’ implies positive meaning.

Who invented optimistic nihilism?

Friedrich Nietzsche
Nihilism has existed in one form or another for hundreds of years, but is usually associated with Friedrich Nietzsche, the 19th century German philosopher (and pessimist of choice for high school kids with undercuts) who proposed that existence is meaningless, moral codes worthless, and God is dead.

How is nihilism wrong?

You are right to reject it: nihilism is harmful and mistaken. Nihilism matters because meaning matters, and the best-known alternative ways of relating to meaning are also wrong. Fear of nihilism is a main reason people commit to other stances, such as eternalism and existentialism, that are also harmful and mistaken.