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What is 1.2 of the Sahara desert?

What is 1.2 of the Sahara desert?

The Great Saharan Desert in Africa is 3.6 million square miles and is prime for solar power (more than twelve hours per day). That means 1.2\% of the Sahara Desert is sufficient to cover all of the energy needs of the world in solar energy.”

Who does the Sahara desert belong to?

The Sahara covers large parts of Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Western Sahara, Sudan and Tunisia. It covers 9 million square kilometres (3,500,000 sq mi), amounting to 31\% of Africa.

Who owns Sahara Desert?

About 20\% of the territory is controlled by the self-proclaimed Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, while the remaining 80\% of the territory is occupied and administered by neighboring Morocco. Its surface area amounts to 266,000 square kilometres (103,000 sq mi).

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How many countries does the Sahara desert cover?

11 countries
The Sahara is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the west, the Red Sea on the east, the Mediterranean Sea on the north and the Sahel Savannah on the south. The enormous desert spans 11 countries: Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Western Sahara, Sudan and Tunisia.

What does Sahara mean in English?

Sahara from Arabic ṣaḥrā’ ‘desert’.

How much of the Sahara Desert would we need for solar power?

If we covered just 1.2 percent of the Sahara desert in solar panels, we could harness enough of this power to meet the energy needs of the entire world. It wouldn’t be easy, though. How would we overcome the geopolitical and financial obstacles involved?

Could the Sahara Desert generate more energy than Europe?

According to his estimates, if all the sunlight hitting the desert was converted into electricity, it would provide 7,000 times more power than Europe’s total energy demand. “Just a small portion of the Sahara could produce as much energy as the entire continent of Africa does at present,” Al-Habaibeh said.

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How much would it cost to save the Sahara Desert?

The above image, from the Sahara Forest Project, would cover 10 hectares in Tunisia and cost $30 million, and would use the solar energy to help cultivate the crops. Al-Habaibeh suggests a larger project could use concentrated solar power, like the installation above.

Can We harness the desert’s abundant sunlight for food?

Other images envision how developers could harness the desert’s abundance of sunlight to produce food alongside electricity: This idea, known as “ agrophotovoltaics ,” has been touted in solar circles as a way of boosting land use efficiency by 60 percent.