
What did Michael Jackson struggle with?

What did Michael Jackson struggle with?

From a young age, Jackson and his siblings were allegedly physically and emotionally abused by their father through incessant rehearsals, whippings and derogatory name-calling. Jackson’s abuse as a child had affected him throughout his later life.

What was Michael Jackson’s famous last words?

“I can’t function if I don’t sleep. They’ll have to cancel it. “And I don’t want them to cancel it, but they will have to cancel it.” According to the doctor who was the last person to see the singer before he was rushed to hospital, these were his final words.

Why Michael Jackson was so lonely?

Michael Jackson used to be so lonely he would cry while watching children playing in the park and had a collection of mannequins he told his secrets to. As a result, the Thriller star would roam the streets looking for strangers to befriend – and even watched kids in playgrounds while crying at his own lost childhood.

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Why do people hate Michael Jackson’s music?

People don’t hate Michael Jackson’s music. Some just don’t listen to it because it’s not their taste, but they don’t hate it. Some people really do hate Michael Jackson because of the tabloid stories and most importantly, the child molestation allegations. I could talk on and on about that, but it has a lot to discuss.

Who is Michael Jackson and what did he say about Jews?

Jackson infuriated the Jewish community by including an anti-Semitic slur in his 1995 song They Don’t Care About Us. The lyrics said: “Jew me, sue me… kick me, k**e me.”

What did Michael Jackson say to his groupies?

Women (groupies) shared their memories ,speaking highly of Michael as the shy guy who warned them to not go with his brothers saying ‘My brothers don’t treat girls well.’ And his brothers later abused the women who didnt listen to Micahel.

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How did debdebbie become Michael Jackson’s enemy?

Debbie got billions of Dollars and jewelery as gifts and ironically, became a powerful and wealthy enemy and sued Michael Jackson during 2005 trial. Who paid her to become his enemy?