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Are INTJs humble?

Are INTJs humble?

INTJs are generally not seen as humble people, since they prefer to be upfront about their knowledge. INTJs can seem a bit arrogant to others, but this is simply because they are certain of what they know, and are always trying to grow and learn more.

Are INTJs high expectations?

INTJs hold themselves to extremely high standards, and are always pushing to achieve more. INTJs also have high standards for the people around them, and want to find ways to help them grow. They don’t believe in staying in one place, and will not simply accept ignorance in their lives.

Do INTJs like brag?

INTJs don’t like lies, and they don’t like games; and humblebragging, to them, feels like a little bit of both. Doubt it. INTJs would have to care enough about the perception of the brag to waste time trying to disguise it. If I want to brag, I’m just going to brag, not try to disguise it too.

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Are INTJ’s humble?

INTJs are generally not seen as humble people, since they prefer to be upfront about their knowledge. They do have a strong confidence, but this comes from years of research and analysis. INTJs know when they are sure about something, and are not afraid to express this openly.

Are INTPs humble people?

INTPs are also willing to learn from others, and will be humble when it comes to subjects they are still absorbing. ENTPs are enthusiastic and imaginative people, who enjoy exploring new possibilities. ENTPs don’t enjoy being falsely humble, and prefer to be open about their knowledge and confidence.

What are the negatives of being an INTJ?

Off the top of my head, some of the negatives of my INTJ personality are: Arrogance. Perfectionism. Low emotional intelligence. Antisocial behavior. Chronic loneliness/depression.

What is the ISTJ personality like?

ISTJs strive to be modest, and simply want to be recognized based on their hard work. They can be confident people, but they are certainly not arrogant. They enjoy having people appreciate their abilities, without having to shove it in their faces.