Tips and tricks

How do I get the number of weekends of current month in SQL?

How do I get the number of weekends of current month in SQL?

  1. Use GET DATE() Function.
  2. Use MM to get the month number.
  3. Use dayofweek as Saturday and Sunday.

How do I find weekends in SQL?

There are multiple ways to check the given date is weekend or not. Sql function DATENAME returns the given date name as Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, We can compare the return value with Saturday and Sunday and can determine the given date is weekend or not. Sql function DATEPART returns the given date number 1 to 7.

How do I get the number of Sundays in a month in SQL?

use the INTEGERS table to generate a series of dates beginning with the first day of that month, to cover all dates in the month. use a date function to determine if the generated date is a Sunday. use COUNT() on the result of the test for Sunday.

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How do I get the number of days in a month in SQL Server?

In SQL Server 2012 you can use EOMONTH (Transact-SQL) to get the last day of the month and then you can use DAY (Transact-SQL) to get the number of days in the month.

How do I get all Saturday and Sunday between two dates in SQL?

The statement DATEDIFF(dd,@fromdate,@todate) + 1 gives the number of dates between the two dates. The statement DATEDIFF(wk,@fromdate,@todate) gives the number of weeks between dates and * 2 gives us the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) count.

How do I get Saturday and Sunday in SQL?

Use the DATENAME() function and specify the datepart as weekday . select ID, Name, Salary, Date from dbo. yourTable where datename(weekday, Date) in (‘Saturday’, ‘Sunday’);

How do I get the current week Monday date in SQL?

SELECT DATEADD(week, DATEDIFF(week, 0, RegistrationDate – 1), 0) AS Monday; In the expression above, we add the specified number of weeks to the 0 date. As you remember, 0 represents midnight on Monday, 1 January 1900.

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How do I find the number of weekends between two dates in SQL Server?

How do I get the current month from a previous date in SQL?

normally sysdate – to_yminterval(’00-01′) function is used to get the previous month data.

How do I get the last day of the current month in SQL?

The EOMONTH() function returns the last day of the month of a specified date, with an optional offset. The EOMONTH() function accepts two arguments: start_date is a date expression that evaluates to a date. The EOMONTH() function returns the last day of the month for this date.

How do you calculate working days in Excel excluding weekends and holidays in SQL?

— Count Days between giving dates but exclude Saturday+Sunday and Bank Holidays DECLARE @Count AS INT = 0, @Date AS DATETIME2 = @DateFrom

  1. WHILE @Date < @DateTo.
  2. IF ((DATEPART (WEEKDAY, @Date) IN (1, 7))
  3. (SELECT *
  5. WHERE CalendarDate = @Date.
  6. AND isHoliday = 1.
  7. AND (DayID <> 7 OR DayID <> 1)))
  8. BEGIN.

How use Datename function in SQL?

Can be one of the following values:

  1. year, yyyy, yy = Year.
  2. quarter, qq, q = Quarter.
  3. month, mm, m = month.
  4. dayofyear = Day of the year.
  5. day, dy, y = Day.
  6. week, ww, wk = Week.
  7. weekday, dw, w = Weekday.
  8. hour, hh = hour.
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How do I get the weekday number for a given date?

The WEEKDAY () function returns the weekday number for a given date. Note: 0 = Monday, 1 = Tuesday, 2 = Wednesday, 3 = Thursday, 4 = Friday, 5 = Saturday, 6 = Sunday. Required. The date or datetime to extract the weekday number from

What is the use of weekday function in SQL?

Definition and Usage The WEEKDAY () function returns the weekday number for a given date. Note: 0 = Monday, 1 = Tuesday, 2 = Wednesday, 3 = Thursday, 4 = Friday, 5 = Saturday, 6 = Sunday.

How to get current month with current date in MySQL?

In MySQL this can be achieved by: SELECT MONTH(NOW());OR SELECT MONTH(CURDATE()) Also to compare current month with any DATE: SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE MONTH(dateColumn) = MONTH(NOW()); Share Improve this answer Follow edited Jan 15 ’20 at 15:30

How to get date and month values from MSDN?

SELECT MONTH(GETDATE()) This will return values 1 through 12 depending on the month. See the relevant MSDN documentation for details- that entire documentation site is freely availablefor consultation by everyone – use it! Share Improve this answer Follow answered Oct 19 ’13 at 11:03