
What happens when Gellar field fails?

What happens when Gellar field fails?

The weakening, failure, and collapse of a Gellar Field while the ship is traveling through the warp would be completely disastrous. Warp entities would tear the ship apart to reach and consume the souls of the crew.

Why did Cadia fall?

The storm raged for solar minutes that seemed eternities, and then fell away into hurricane winds. They blew over a world forever altered. The continent of Cadia Tertius was gone, obliterated by fire and drowned beneath howling seas.

How many died on Cadia?


Map Basic Data
Cadia System: Cadian System
Population: 850,000,000 [4b] (pre-13th Black Crusade), only 3 million survivors remain
Affiliation: Imperium
Class: Dead World, Daemon World, formerly Fortress World
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How do Gellar fields work?

In truth, the Gellar Field is a field of reality whose source emanates from the dreams of a psyker kept in a hibernating, comatose state. The voidship effectively shields itself within the dreaming psykers’ projections of reality which serves as the “bubble” of realspace that pushes back the Immaterium for a time.

Can orks travel through the warp?

Whatever the manner of their construction, Ork warp engines carry a ship into, through, and out of the Warp.

Who defended Cadia?

Astra Militarum Marshal, who defended Cadia during the 13th Black Crusade. He later fought under General Gruber’s command, in the Battle of Faith’s Anchorage.

What happened to the surviving Cadians?

Some say the cadians have largely recovered their losses on new cadia and have been the main imperial defenders across the vigilus campaign and spinward front, while others claim they were all but annihilated following the 13th black crusade.

Are there still Cadians?

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Even in the far future, Cadians are still just humans, and 112 years of fighting can’t have a great survival rate on these old guys. I think it would make for a really badass story. The last Cadian regiment in existence holding the line against chaos to evacuate a planet. His final roar: Cadia Stands!

How do Void Ships enter the warp?

Before a starship can enter the Warp, it must first travel at sublight speed to a star system’s so-called Mandeville Point. This is the closest distance that a voidship can safely enter or exit Warpspace from its origin or destination system, respectively.

What is the most difficult aspect of warp travel?

The most difficult aspect of Warp travel is that it is impossible to detect the spatial movement of Warpspace once a ship is in the Warp. The ship can only blindly carry on, its crew trusting that it is going in the right direction.

What is a warp drive in Star Wars?

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Starships fitted with Warp-Drives are known as “warpships” or Warp-capable voidcraft. Warp-Drives allow starships to enter the Warp and bypass light years of realspace in a relatively short time, although the myriad dangers associated with Warp travel are terrible indeed.

What is the purpose of the Gellar Field?

The Gellar Field protects the starship and its occupants from the hostility of the Warp itself, as well as from the predation of Warp entities, such as daemons, as it travels through the Warp, as a daemon cannot enter the field or even survive outside the Immaterium except under very precise conditions or special circumstances.