
Who was real mother of Bharat?

Who was real mother of Bharat?

Birth And Marriage Bharat was born to the virtuous king of Ayodhya, Dasharatha and his second wife, Queen Kaikeyi. He was married to Mandavi, daughter of Kushadhwaja, Janaka’s younger brother. Thus, Mandavi was Sita’s cousin. They had two sons – Taksha and Pushkala.

Who is Satrughana’s mother?

Birth and family Shatrughna was born to the virtuous king of Ayodhya, Dasharatha, and his second wife, Queen Sumitra, a princess of Kashi. Dasharatha’s other two wives, Kaushalya and Kaikeyi, had sons as well. Kaushalya had Rama and Kaikeyi had Bharata, who were Shatrughna’s half-brothers.

How was Sita related to Janaka?

Described as the daughter of Bhūmi (the earth), Sita is brought up as the adopted daughter of King Janaka of Videha. After proving her purity, Rama and Sita return to Ayodhya, where they are crowned as king and queen.

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Who were Rama’s parents?

Parents Dasharatha (father) Kaushalya (mother) Kaikeyi (step-mother) Sumitra (step-mother)
Siblings Shanta (sister) Lakshmana (half-brother) Bharata (half-brother) Shatrughna (half-brother)
Spouse Sita
Children Lava (son) Kusha (son)

Did Laxman have sons?

Lakshmana was especially attached to Rama. When Rama married Sita, Lakshmana married Sita’s younger sister, Urmila. They had two sons: Angada and Chandraketu.

Who was Lakshmana’s mother in Indian mythology?

Answer Wiki. Originally Answered: According to Ramayana, who was Lakshmana’s mother in Indian mythology? The third queen of King Dasharatha was Sumitra who was the mother of twins, Lakshamana and Shatrughna. This is the reason why Lakshmana had also been referred as Saumitra or Sumitranandan in Ramayana.

Who is Lord Lakshmana in Ramayana?

Lakshmana is one of the most important characters of the epic Ramayana, written by Sage Valmiki. An incarnation of the thousand-headed snake Adishesha, on which Lord MahaVishnu sleeps, he was the third son of King Dasharatha. Born to Dasharatha’s third queen Sumitra, he was the twin of Shatrughna. But he was most devoted to his eldest brother Rama.

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How Lakshmana helped Rama after Sita was kidnapped by Ravana?

When Sita was kidnapped by Ravana, Lord Rama was going through several emotional conflicts and great sorrow. Lakshmana acted as a wise counsel to Rama and took good care of him. 8. He was the only person who could kill Indrajit, Ravana’s powerful son who had even defeated Rama. 9.

Is Lakshmana as level headed as his brother?

At other times, Lakshmana shows that he’s equally as level-headed as his brother. Though he marries Sita ‘s sister, Lakshmana’s wife doesn’t factor into the story in a major capacity.