Tips and tricks

What is expressed by supporting a friend who is going through a difficult time?

What is expressed by supporting a friend who is going through a difficult time?

Show them that you want to understand and express sympathy. You can also express kindness and validation through statements such as, “I’m sad that you’re in so much pain right now,” or “You’re in such a tough situation.”

What to say to someone who’s struggling?

6 Better Things To Say To A Struggling Friend Than ‘Let Me Know If I Can Do Anything’

  • “Can I pick up the kids on Tuesday?”
  • “I’ll always remember how funny she was.”
  • Prevention Premium: The One Thing That Got Me Through Cancer And A Divorce.
  • “I wish I could take the hurt away, but I can’t.”
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What do you do when people don’t get you?

After sharing you must let go of the need to have them understand, and rest easy in the knowledge you have done all you can do and all that is asked of you – you are being your true self. If they still don’t get you or support you, then honour yourself and walk away.

How do you comfort someone without giving them advice?

Don’t Add Your Opinion. Part of learning how to comfort someone is to not to give advice. Even if you think you have the perfect solution to the problem, don’t offer it. Instead of offering advice such as trying to do a certain thing, just listen and let them know that you support them and provide emotional comfort.

What does it mean when someone won’t make an effort to understand?

I’ve come to believe that when someone won’t make any effort to understand us, this is usually what it comes down: deep pain that’s blocking them from love. They might be shut down to everyone. Or specific ideas that trigger something from their past.

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How do you comfort someone who is having a hard time?

Listen, Don’t Talk Make a compassionate statement and then just sit quietly. Let your loved one talk if they want to, otherwise just give them a hug and let them relax, knowing you are there for them. Instead of offering statements you think are comforting, stay silent and let them start a conversation if they want one.