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What does it mean to be a platform product manager?

What does it mean to be a platform product manager?

A Platform Product Manager (PM), is one of the most challenging roles in product management. They are responsible for prioritizing and supporting the work of multiple consumer-facing products and providing a cohesive vision across the organization.

What is the primary goal of a platform product manager?

The goal of the platform product manager is to focus on the mid-tier— the developers, producers and partner personas in the platform ecosystem—so that they can, in turn, deliver optimal value and rich experiences to their end-users.

What is a platform manager?

Platform managers are responsible for overseeing the development of the platform that is used by those working for the computer company and/or the medium of customers who do business with the computer company. They require a computer science or computer engineering degree to pursue a career as a platform manager.

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What is difference between product and platform?

Design – A platform is designed keeping both producers and consumers in mind while a product is designed keeping only consumers in mind. Value Creation – In a platform-based business, value is created through the interactions between users and third parties. Hence, platform creates an ecosystem value.

What is a product platform Why is it important for a business?

In many industries, companies use product platforms as a means to reduce costs and obtain access to multiple market segments by developing different product variants. Product platforms are a collection of modules or parts that are common to a number of products.

What is platform as a product?

Product platforms are a collection of modules or parts that are common to a number of products. This commonality is developed intentionally to achieve desired effects in order to create value. Within that process, product platform resources have to be bundled with other resources and/or capabilities.

What is the difference between a product manager and platform manager?

Look at the bigger picture – While product managers prioritize the features in a product, a platform product manager has to play a bigger role. He has to look at the bigger picture – which components that fit in and the ones that don’t and prioritize them.

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What is the difference between product management and program management?

The business and the industry type define product Management and Program Management roles. Hence, the main difference between the two is that while program management is more of a strategic-level responsibility, project management is mainly tactical. Product Managers focus on the design, development, and production of a company’s product offerings.

What is the difference between a solutions manager and product manager?

Wedge, A solutions manager is a critical part of the product management team but has no day-to-day product ownership. A solutions manager is not aligned to products. It’s aligned to a customer department such as human resources, or business function within a department like talent management.

What is the platform approach to product management?

The platform approach is really an embodiment of a desire to scale and scaling can only be achieved through a clear distinction between the platform’s core interaction and its enablers. That means that platform product managers have to think about what is core and what can be shared.