
What to reply when someone says it means a lot?

What to reply when someone says it means a lot?

Person 1: Congratulations for your great performance. I am happy for you! Person 2: It means a lot!

What to say instead of it means a lot to me?

Even so, a few other ways to say something similar might be…” I would be so pleased if you could….”; “ I’d be delighted if…”; “It would make my day if you…”; or “ It is important to me that….”.

How do you say I really mean it?

i really mean it synonym | English Thesaurus

  1. I can’t take it exp. I can’t understand it, I can’t believe it, I can’t accept it.
  2. I feel queer n. I feel weird.
  3. I rest my case n.
  4. it’s got bits in it n.
  5. it hit me exp.
  6. it is what it is exp.
  7. up for it exp. ”
  8. so am I exp.
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How do you use meant and mean?

Mean is the present tense. Meant is the past tense and past participle. Mean is also an adjective meaning nasty, cruel, unkind. ‘Meant’ is the past tense of ‘mean.

What does it mean when someone says that means alot coming from you?

It’s saying that a compliment from you rates higher than one from others because you have the style or expertise or awareness, or some quality, that makes you more knowledgeable when you give that compliment, thus it means a lot coming from you.

How do you say thank you for the support?

Best Ways To Say ‘Thank You For Your Support

  1. Your support is gratifying. Thank you for your support.
  2. I highly appreciate you.
  3. Thank you for being there with your time.
  4. Your insights are valuable.
  5. Your guidance is so helpful.
  6. You’re the best with advice.
  7. I am genuinely pleased with your confidence.
  8. Thanks for lending a hand.
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What is the plural form of Thank You?

Answer The plural form of thank you is thank yous.

Is the phrase “thank you” overused?

Although the words “thank you” can be said with meaning and sincerity, the phrase can sometimes seem overused. Here are some phrases to consider as you look for a way to thank the people in your life for being encouraging and supportive. As you sit to write a thank you note to a friend, you may struggle to come up with appropriate words.

What is the correct way to say thank you both?

This is especially true as you try to figure out which expressions are the correct ones for any given situation. The expression “thank you both” is correct to use when you wish to thank two people. In this expression, the word “thank” is the verb, and the word “you” is the subject, which the word “both” makes plural.

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What does it mean to say thank you for Your Kind Words?

You are literally thanking them for their kind words. “Thank you for your kind words” is a versatile creature. You can use it anytime you want to thank someone for something they said. Fan: My God, I can’t believe it’s you.