
Is it real love or attachment?

Is it real love or attachment?

The major difference is that love is a feeling directed toward the “other” (the other person, place or thing), while attachment is a self-centered—meaning based on fulfilling your need.

How can you love someone and still be detached?

How to let go of someone you love

  1. Identify the reason. Ask yourself why you’re now deciding to detach from the relationship.
  2. Release your emotions.
  3. Don’t react, respond.
  4. Start small.
  5. Keep a journal.
  6. Meditate.
  7. Be patient with yourself.
  8. Look forward.

Where there is love there is no attachment?

Loving without attachment, without becoming dependent, is loving without being needy. It’s freely and consciously giving yourself to the other person. It’s being part of a project in which there are no losers.

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What does detached love mean?

Detached love is loving the other exactly as he or she is, while also knowing that at any time the nature of the relationship could change. The beloved doesn’t belong to the other. The lovers choose each other each moment. Again and again, each day that they’re together, they wake up and choose each other.

What does Pure Love expect from you?

Pure love does not expect anything. Pure love does not demand. Pure love is natural, gracious and freeing. In pure love I am detached, meaning I am unaffected by the outcome.

Does Pure Love exist without selfishness?

Pure love, real love exists where there is no selfishness; where there are no feelings of ‘yours-mine’. Wherever there is a feeling of’ ‘yours-mine’, there is definitely selfishness as well as ignorance of the Self.

How can pure love arise in the world?

When you see faults in them, you cannot love them. So when you see the world as faultless, that is when pure love will arise. As long as we look upon others as being separate from ourselves, we feel a sense of ‘mine’ and ‘yours’. As long as you keep differences with the other person, you will have attachment towards your own.

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Can pure love exist in a faultless World?

In reality everyone is faultless. When you see faults in them, you cannot love them. So when you see the world as faultless, that is when pure love will arise. As long as we look upon others as being separate from ourselves, we feel a sense of ‘mine’ and ‘yours’.