What is it called when someone forces their opinion on others?

What is it called when someone forces their opinion on others?

Obtrude meaning To impose (oneself or one’s ideas) on others with undue insistence or without invitation. verb. 4. Obtrude is to impose, force your way in where unasked or unwanted.

Is it bad to force kids into religion?

No one likes to be forced to do something they don’t want to do. Forcing a child to practice a religion they don’t feel committed or connected could damage the child’s overall outlook on religion and can make them resent their family.

What is it called when someone tries to force their opinion on you?

Obtrude meaning To impose (oneself or one’s ideas) on others with undue insistence or without invitation. verb. 4.

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Can we force our beliefs on others?

We can’t force our beliefs on anyone; all we can do is offer them the cure and pray they will accept it. If some see that effort as “imposing” our beliefs on them, that is a matter of their perception, not a reflection of reality.

Do Christians have to impose their values on others?

Christians don’t want to impose their values, but they do want to live peaceably in whatever society they dwell ( Romans 12:18; 1 Timothy 2:2 ). Christians are obligated to do good to all ( 1 Corinthians 6:10) and to pray for everyone ( 1 Timothy 2:1 ).

How should Christians engage in the political process?

This means they may vote, rally, lobby, caucus, and hold office just like any other citizen—all the while promoting laws that reflect their own values. Christians do not seek to subvert the political process; they engage it, as it is the right of every citizen.

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Do laws impose our moral values on others?

Every law “imposes” someone’s moral “values” on someone else. A law that prohibits murder, for example, imposes a belief that murder is wrong and upholds the Christian tenet that human life has intrinsic worth. Doubtless, society is better off with such a law in place.