Tips and tricks

Why I will not allow my child to become doctor?

Why I will not allow my child to become doctor?

I will let you have every choice in life and I will be there to support you and guide you along the way. But I will never allow you to become a doctor in India. Because I did not raise my child for two decades just to watch her lose her sense of right and wrong, of humanity or worse, watch her die.

How many doctors kids become doctors?

It might be surprising to think about but not all medical students go on to become doctors. According to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), its estimated that around 80-90 percent of med students graduate. With an even greater percentage (96\%) successfully completing six-year programs.

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How do I motivate my child to be a doctor?

Encourage your child to develop social skills by playing sports and participation in school extra co-curricular activities. 3. I told my kids about the required skill set for being a doctor like a knack for detail, love for books, good memory and readiness to help all kind of people all the times.

What’s the average age to become a doctor?

Combine that with an average starting age of 24 (or 26 for DO—doctor of osteopathic—applicants), and this means the vast majority of medical students don’t become independent physicians until their early 30s.

Why do so many Indians want to become doctors?

While medical school is expensive, the payoff is more than reasonable. There is almost no risk involved: there is a shortage of doctors (and thus many jobs available), doctors are well-compensated, and they are highly respected in society.

Why do some parents want their kids to become doctors?

So if one thinks that their kids are intelligent enough to take the pain of the burden of studies, they choose them the heaviest of all, a Doctor. Some Doctors understand the pleasure involved in serving others, they want their kids to do the same. Because they know the love the blessings people give to Doctors.

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What is it like to be a doctor?

Doctors sign up to help people but are faced with growing mountains of paperwork, mindless compulsory modules and maddening meetings to satisfy performance indicators that make a mockery of patient-centred care. Many doctors are burnt out, bullied and demoralised.

Do you have regrets of becoming a doctor?

Most of the doctors don’t want their children to become doctors. Reason being the amount of stress and strain they have undergone. I don’t have regrets of becoming a doctor, I love and admire my profession.

Why do parents not want their children to help people?

Honestly, they don’t want their children to help people, they want their children to be in a secured job with good earnings, no matter how much efforts their kids would have to make. Because they don’t have to make the efforts themselves, the onus is on the kids and when kids fail, they can criticise them.