Are your grades more important than mental health?

Are your grades more important than mental health?

The answer is no. Having good grades will then allow you to go to a better university and potentially get a better degree. However, if you go all the way without ever worrying about your mental well-being, you will probably end up in depression sooner or later.

Why are parents so concerned about grades?

Research shows that kids may interpret these expectations as pressure. Parental pressure to excel can increase kids’ risk of stress, as well as have a negative impact on their well-being. This is especially true if parents value grades and achievement over things like empathy, compassion, kindness, and social skills.

Why am I obsessed with my grades?

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Some are seeking grades because they want to get a scholarship, some do it to make their parents proud, some do it because they want to pursue a career in academia and some get high grades because they’re simple intelligent enough. Seeking high grades does not necessarily mean grade obsession.

How do you tell your parents you got a bad grade?

Tell them why you made a bad grade.

  1. Something you could say is “I had a hard time understanding the material,” or “I didn’t study for the test, which led to me doing poorly on it.”
  2. Be honest with yourself about why you made a bad grade.
  3. If accurate, tell them about how you know you should have studied more.

Should I get good grades or focus on my mental health?

Well, you’re a kid right now. you need to get good grades regardless of your mental health. separate the two. one doesn’t depend on the other anyway. keep studying, develop good study habits, and get good grades.

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Is your parent’s attitude affecting your mental health?

And for many, especially children and young adults, the dismissive attitude of parents and relatives when it comes to mental health can do more harm than good. When parents call mental health issues a “passing phase”, children often tend to dilute the urgency of the situation and evoke equally dismissive responses like, “I am doing fine”.

Do You Put your kids under pressure to get good grades?

There are parents who do put their kids under enormous pressure to get good grades. If they express their concern and love for them, by taking an interest in some of the things they are interested in, and are capable of real empathy and reasonable discipline, having firm expectations for study and getting good grades may not be a problem.

Why is good mental health important for students?

Good mental health is a crucial aspect in the turbulent life of a young, developing human, even in kids who manage to get good grades.