What would happen if ww1 and 2 never happened?

What would happen if ww1 and 2 never happened?

Without World War I, there probably wouldn’t have been World War II. No Cold War. Without tens of millions of deaths, European nations would have likely put more resources into building their economies. Germany would have become an economic, scientific and cultural powerhouse.

Did the British Empire exist after ww1?

Although the empire achieved its largest territorial extent immediately after World War I, Britain was no longer the world’s pre-eminent industrial or military power. In the Second World War, Britain’s colonies in East Asia and Southeast Asia were occupied by the Empire of Japan.

What if the British Empire still exists?

If the British Empire was reunited she would be Queen in 64. A new empire would be 146 times larger than the UK in 2017 and have 40 times the population with 2.643 billion residents – 37 per cent of the world’s people. Today the British Empire would have the largest military in the world.

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What would have happened if Archduke Ferdinand was not assassinated?

Without the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, there would have been no need for rulers in Vienna to threaten Serbia, no need for Russia to come to Serbia’s defense, no need for Germany to come to Austria’s defense — and no call for France and Britain to honor their treaties with Russia.

Which country left the British empire first?

Evolution of Dominions to independence

Country Date of Dominion status Date of final relinquishment of British powers
Canada 1 July 1867 17 April 1982
Ireland 6 December 1922 18 April 1949
Dominion of Newfoundland 26 September 1907 17 April 1982
South Africa 31 May 1910 21 May 1961

Why has the British Empire disappeared?

The First and Second World Wars left Britain weakened and less interested in its empire. Also many parts of the empire contributed troops and resources to the war effort and took an increasingly independent view. This led to a steady decline of the empire after 1945.

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What would have happened if World War One never happened?

If World War One never occurred you would have seen European governments spending more time in building their economies. The Germans alone would have became a powerhouse in terms of science, technology, economy and cultural diversity.

Would the Royal Navy still be there without WW2?

Since ww2 caused them to decolonize, without the conflict, they should still be there to a larger extent than today. However, it should be noted that with the Royal Navy being closely followed by the USN and IJN, they may be obliged over time to decolonize.

What would the world look like without WW1?

On foreign policy it drifts away from Germany, becomes friendlier to France and Britain and especially Serbia since its ethnicity now has representation, but is still a staunch enemy of Russia (For reasons i will explain later on.). Without WW1, there would be no rise of Lenin.

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What was the world’s population during World War 2?

Well for one part, the world’s population would be an additional 60+ million in only the generation around during ww2.