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Is it bad to want instant gratification?

Is it bad to want instant gratification?

Not all instant gratification is bad. There’s nothing wrong with wanting or needing things, experiences, or products in a timely manner. It’s important to balance our desires with a realistic sense of timing and patience. By itself, though, instant gratification isn’t a negative thing.

Why do humans want instant gratification?

Generally speaking, we want things now rather than later. There is psychological discomfort associated with self-denial. From an evolutionary perspective, our instinct is to seize the reward at hand, and resisting this instinct is hard. Evolution has given people and other animals a strong desire for immediate rewards.

How social media affects dopamine?

When a person posts a picture they may receive positive social feedback, which stimulates the brain to release dopamine, rewarding that behavior and perpetuating the social media habit.

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How do I stop my instant gratification addiction?

Here are the simple steps:

  1. Watch the urges. We all have urges, to check on email or social media, to eat something sweet or fried, to procrastinate or find distractions.
  2. Delay.
  3. Make a conscious decision.
  4. Learn over time.
  5. Enjoy the moment without following the urge.

What’s so bad about instant gratification?

Regret Succumbing to momentary pleasure leads to regret which sometimes persists for days,weeks or forever.

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