
Is INTJs similar to INFJs?

Is INTJs similar to INFJs?

INFJs and INTJs share the same functions, except their feeling and thinking functions are reversed. This is the root of their differences. Fe naturally helps INFJs tune into people. Like other FJ types, they read body language, tone of voice, and emotional expressions well.

Are INTJs violent?

INTJs are not usually violent people, and might believe it is a complete waste of their energy. They often prefer to focus on logical reasoning, and resorting to violence is rarely a logical thing. INTJs rarely allow their emotions to get the better of them, which leaves little room for outburst of violence.

What is the difference between INFJ and INTJ personality traits?

1. Both INTJs and INFJs are future-oriented. However, INFJs direct their insight towards themselves and other people while INTJs focus on ideas and concepts. Their main difference is that INFJs are more interested in people and their emotional world, while INTJs would rather occupy their minds with something more practical. 2.

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Are INFJs and intjs compatible in relationships?

While on the surface INFJs tend to be emotional where INTJs are more logical, they both prioritize structure and abstract thinking, so they usually resonate on some level. If they are willing to be open and honest and understand each other’s needs, a committed relationship between them can succeed.

Why do INFJs have a hard time with emotions?

Without an outlet for their emotions, INFJs will have a hard time making sense of them. They may feel “plugged up,” directionless, and unhappy. For example, in a romantic relationship, INFJs will feel better after talking through their feelings about a conflict with their partner.

Do intjs make good leaders?

INTJs are much more interested in what they think is right and are more likely to cast a group aside if they don’t disagree with the INTJs conclusions. To some, this can make INTJs seem selfish or unlikable leaders, whereas others might see a visionary willing to ignore the common opinion in order to do the right thing.