Why it was dangerous for King Priam to ransom the body of Hector?

Why it was dangerous for King Priam to ransom the body of Hector?

It was dangerous for King Priam to claim the body of his son Hector because he had to go into the Greek camp all by himself. Achilles had been in such a rage over the death of his friend Patroclus that he drove the entire Trojan army off the field and then abused Hector’s body after killing him.

Why was it dangerous for King Priam to ransom the body of Hector explain in no more than 3 sentences?

It was dangerous because Priam had to literally cross enemy lines, go through enemy gates, and enter the house of Achilles to reclaim the body of his son. Achilles could have easily killed him too.

How did King Priam the King of Troy ransom the body of Hector?

Priam’s paternal love impelled him to brave the savage anger of Achilles and to ransom the corpse of Hector; Achilles, respecting the old man’s feelings and foreseeing his own father’s sorrows, returned the corpse. When Troy fell, Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, butchered the old king on an altar.

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Does Priam ransom Hector’s body?

Trojan Hector escapes this fate when his father, Priam, ransoms his body from the Greek hero Achilles. In this rendering, the wounds and tied ankles of Hector’s body recall how Achilles dragged it behind his chariot.

What arguments did Priam use to convince Achilles to return Hector’s body give 2 arguments?

Priam tearfully supplicates Achilles, begging for Hector’s body. He asks Achilles to think of his own father, Peleus, and the love between them. Achilles weeps for his father and for Patroclus. He accepts the ransom and agrees to give the corpse back.

Why does Achilles relent and allow Priam to take Hector’s body back to Troy?

Achilles takes pity on Priam when he connects Priam to his own father, Peleus. Achilles considers his impending death and the recent death of his friend Patroclus. Achilles relates the two fathers because they will both outlive their sons. The final reason Achilles returns Hector’s body to Priam is the ransom.

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What happened to Priam during the defeat of Troy?

Priam is killed during the Sack of Troy by Achilles’ son Neoptolemus (also known as Pyrrhus). Priam rebukes Neoptolemus, throwing a spear at him, harmlessly hitting his shield. Neoptolemus then drags Priam to the altar and there kills him too. Priam’s death is alternatively depicted in some Greek vases.

How does Priam convince Achilles to release Hector’s?

What does Priam do to convince Achilles?