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What is twintwin Flame runner insanity?

What is twintwin Flame runner insanity?

Twin flame runner insanity is the state of mind that occurs during the runner and chaser stage of the twin soul journey. This stage is characterized by a “pulling away” by one partner, just as the other tries to bring the two of you together.

How can my twin flame help me in my life?

When you can hold onto the good and let go of the bad, your soul will take a leap forward in understanding. Your twin flame was key in your transformation, they were instrumental in your spiritual journey as you were in theirs.

Are twin flame relationships temporary or permanent?

Generally speaking, Twin Flame relationships are usually temporary. You’ll feel as if you are tearing your own heart out, but you know if you stay together it will permanently scar and damage both of you. You need to know when to end a twin flame relationship. What’s This Twin Flame Relationship Anyway?

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Is there such a thing as a twin flame journey?

Unfortunately the twin flame path is such that very often each soul must have time apart in order to grow, learn and fully become who they are meant to become. God wants us to be conscious and actively take part in our own journey; and therefore, to remain in permanent physical union with our beloved, we must become fully conscious of our own Self.


How do Twin Flames feel about each other?

Things like feeling bereft, adrift, isolated, confused, triggered, and hurt go on for both twin flames. Soul shock for the chaser often leaves them with the sense of being rejected, abandoned, feeling powerless, self-doubt, and perhaps experiencing low-vibrational feelings (like resentment) towards the runner.

Does My Twin Flame runner Miss Me?

Your runner misses you as much as you miss them. The hole in your soul where your twin flame should be leaves you feeling empty inside, but at least you know what is missing. Your runner feels the same pain, the same emptiness and the same heartbreak.

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Are You facing Twin Flame runner soul shock?

In reality, both of you are going to face some version of soul shock and both of you are going to have to do something about it. The twin flame runner soul shock can be thought of as a spiritual whiplash. The runner is not ready for this type of connection and doesn’t know how to handle it.
