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What is the relationship between Bible and Quran?

What is the relationship between Bible and Quran?

One story in the Quran and the Bible share strong resemblances, although they are placed at different times and attributed to different characters. The Bible story features Gideon from the Book of Judges and the Quran story features Talut (usually translated as Saul).

Why did Dr Maurice Bucaille convert to Islam?

He then heard that the Qur’an actually told the story of Pharaoh’s sinking. It is known that after exploring history in various books, including the Torah and the Bible, Bucaille turned to Islam.

Where does the Quran differ from the Bible?

The Bible is for the Christians and the Jews while the Quran is for the Muslims. The Bible is a collection of writings from different authors while the Quran is a recitation from its one and only prophet, Muhammad. Both the Bible and the Quran are guides of its believers towards spirituality and moral righteousness.

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What is difference between Quran and Bible?

What are the Miracles of the Quran?

The Quran – The miracle of miracles. From the age of forty, when Muhammad received his first call from Heaven to the age sixty-three when he breathed his last, for twenty three years the Holy Prophet practised and preached Islam. In those twenty three years, he passed through the most conflicting vicissitudes of life.

Is the Bible and sciencein conflict?

The fact of the matter is that the Bible is God’s Word, and it does not conflict with science . We can reap the benefits of a relationship with God through the Bible, as well as utilizing the good gifts that modern science has bequeathed to us. It is a blessing to have both.

What is the Quran in English?

Translations for ‘Quran’. British English: Quran NOUN. The Quran is the holy book on which the religion of Islam is based. Still a devout Muslim, he reads the Quran and prays every day. American English: Quran. Brazilian Portuguese: Alcorão. Chinese: >《古兰经》伊斯兰教的.

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What is the Book of Quran?

Detailed Answer. The Holy Quran is a heavenly book revealed by God for prosperity and guidance of humanity to God. It was sent down on the heart of the Last of Prophets and the Seal of Messengers, Muhammad b. Abdullah peace be upon him and his descendants. The Quran is the eternal miracle of the Prophet of Islam (S).