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Can I prepare for UPSC along with engineering?

Can I prepare for UPSC along with engineering?

Even as you pursue your engineering, you should start your IAS preparation. It would be a good idea to take up engineering itself since you are already studying it for your graduation. However, this is an entirely personal decision. You could also take up other subjects that have a strong GS overlap.

Which engineering course is best for UPSC?

Civil engineering and electrical engineering both branch are best but your own plan which you can choose. Any branch matters for civil services. But if u ask for govt exams then ECE,EEE,MEC are best.

Which optional subject is best for engineering students in IAS?

You can take up mathematics or physics/chemistry as your optional, depending on your interest and knowledge levels. It is difficult to study these subjects from scratch but if you were good in them, you can always brush up your knowledge.

How can I become an IAS officer after engineering?

Originally Answered: What’s the procedure to become an IAS officer after Engineering? Procedure is same for everyone first u have to clear prelims then mains and interview after that only you will become IAS officer. Prelims exam is an objective exam and you have to qualify it then mains will be a written exam.

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Can I prepare for UPSC exam while in college?

You can use them to prepare for UPSC exam while in college. In fact, we have gathered these preparation tips from experts. Accordingly, college is the best time to start your UPSC preparation. Now, the new question arises!

Are more IITians clearing the UPSC Civil Services exam?

Off late, a trend observed in the UPSC civil services exam results has been the increasing number of engineers clearing the exam. This also includes students from the top engineering colleges in the country like the IITs.

Where can I find the syllabus of the UPSC?

The syllabus is available on the UPSC website. Kindly go through it. Apart from this, you should start reading other subjects. NCERT is a must for geography, history, and economics (11th only). After this, you may start other books as recommende Great to hear that you have a clear plan for your future goals.

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How do I prepare for UPSC ethics paper?

Try to complete all necessary NCERT’s and practice model essay for UPSC on various topics like unemployment, women, dowry, education, poverty etc. Prepare Ethics paper and chose your optional subject from the syllabus and cover the whole portion as per the portion. If you do all this it would cake walk for you.
