
What are COVID-19 variants, and do we have them in Texas?

What are COVID-19 variants, and do we have them in Texas?

See full answerVariants are different strains of a virus. Viruses constantly change through mutation, and new variants of a virus are expected to occur over time. Sometimes new variants emerge and disappear. Other times, new variants emerge and persist. Multiple variants of the virus that causes COVID-19 have been documented in the United States and globally during this pandemic.We know that some of these variants are more contagious than others and are starting to spread in Texas. This is why we need to continue to take prevention steps and precautions against COVID-19, including getting vaccinated.For more information about variants in the U.S., see the About Variants page on the CDC site. For more information about variants in Texas, visit the News Updates page on the DSHS website.

Which country has more covid-19 cases than New York State?

(CNN) New York state reached a tragic milestone this week: It now has more Covid-19 patients than any country in the world, aside from the United States. The state’s total of 181,026 cases, as of April 11, is higher than Spain’s (161,852 cases) and Italy’s (152,271), countries with populations many times larger than New York.

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Where did New York’s covid-19 virus come from?

New York state had its first case of community spread, meaning its origin was not known, on March 2 in New Rochelle, a suburb of New York City. By March 11, there were 216 confirmed cases in the state, and that number rose to 613 by March 14.

How many New Yorkers have died from covid-19 so far?

Pedestrians walk through the Times Square on March 12. As of this week, at least 21,000 New Yorkers are dead from Covid-19, with a few dozen added to the city’s count every day. More than 3,000 have perished in nursing homes, many more in hospitals.

Which country has the most covid-19 patients?

View more opinion at CNN. (CNN) New York state reached a tragic milestone this week: It now has more Covid-19 patients than any country in the world, aside from the United States.