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What is outside the multiverse Marvel?

What is outside the multiverse Marvel?

Some Beings Exist Outside Of The Marvel Multiverse These beings – ranging from celestials to bureaucratic organizations – could even be considered protectors of one or all realities, such as Merlyn – the original protector and categorizer of the Marvel Multiverse.

Where are the Beyonders from Marvel?

The Beyonders were a near omnipotent alien race from a dimension outside the Omniverse. They commissioned the Nuwali to create the Savage Land and created the Fortisquians to be colonizers.

Is there only one Galactus in the multiverse?

No, the only cosmic being that uses only one M-body manifestation, for the entire multiverse, is the Living Tribunal.

Why did they make Loki a girl?

Why did Loki turn into a woman? In the comics, Loki is reborn as a woman, known simply as Lady Loki, after the events of Ragnarok in Asgard, but even that wasn’t too innocent: When Thor and his fellow Asgardians are to be reborn in new bodies on Earth, Loki actually stole the body intended to be for Sif.

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Who are the Beyonders in Marvel Comics?

The Beyonders are a near omnipotent alien race from a dimension outside the multiverse. They first came to the attention of Earthlings when they hired the alien Sphinxor to steal Counter-Earth for their museum of curiosities. Their dimension was later revealed to be the power source of the Cosmic Cubes.

How did the Beyonders get their form?

Avatar Creation: The form the Beyonders took were manifestations making them solid states that contained their very essence. Energy Discharges: The Beyonders can shoot powerful energy blasts capable to bring down Thor, or injuring cosmic entities like the Celestials.

Can the Beyonders travel through time?

Dimensional Travel: The Beyonders can travel between reality through rifts in space-time. The Beyonders were described by Doctor Doom as being linear. They are constrained and restricted to their own sequential timeline, so they are unable to travel through time.

How strong is a Beyonder?

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Superhuman Strength: A Beyonder has been strong enough to stop a strike from Thor and the next moment, it ripped off his arm with relative ease. Superhuman Speed: The Beyonders are fast enough to take by surprise the likes of Thor and Hyperion and attack them.