What did the Protestants think was wrong with the Catholic Church?

What did the Protestants think was wrong with the Catholic Church?

He believed the Catholic Church got it wrong on salvation This was (and, for many, remains) the defining difference between Protestants and Catholics. Luther believed people were saved by faith alone and that this was the summary of all Christian doctrine, and that the Catholic Church of his day had got this wrong.

Why is it called Protestant?

The Protestant Reformation was a religious reform movement that swept through Europe in the 1500s. It resulted in the creation of a branch of Christianity called Protestantism, a name used collectively to refer to the many religious groups that separated from the Roman Catholic Church due to differences in doctrine.

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What is the biggest difference between Christianity and Catholicism?

Christianity is the world’s largest religion. Christians can meet and worship anywhere whereas Catholics can only worship at the chapel. Catholics and Christians have different interpretations of symbols such as the cross.

What is the difference between a Christian and a Catholic?

A Catholic would define a Christian as anyone who professes faith in Christ and who has been validly baptized (water baptism). Many Protestants do not use the term Christian in this way.

Is the Protestant Reformation derived from the Catholic Church?

Protestants who study theology AND church history would understand that their Protestant traditions are in fact derived and modified from the Catholic AND Orthodox traditions that they received prior to the Protestant movement in the 16th century.

Is there a coherent case for Protestantism?

If the Catholic Church is at least 1900 years old (and it is, of course), then there can be no coherent case for protestantism. There are many coherent arguments from Protestants. Just saying. The question is, why can’t you understand them? After all the dialog we’ve had, do you really think I don’t *understand* protestant arguments?

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What is the difference between Catholic and Protestant salvation?

Most Protestants believe they are saved by grace and grace alone. It is a free gift from God given through belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and through his sacrifice on the Cross and his Resurrection, they are saved. Most Catholics see it as an on-going process.