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How do you politely say no to a Neighbour?

How do you politely say no to a Neighbour?

You deserve to have a little alone time if you need it.

  1. Give Yourself Time to Reply before Giving Your RSVP-Show Serious Consideration.
  2. Explain What You’ve Already Said Yes to Before Giving Your No.
  3. Have a “Bunbury” in Place for Emergencies.
  4. Do Not Say No to Every Invitation From the Same Person.

What to do when you don’t like your child’s friend?

Here are some other options for how to respond when you don’t like your child’s friend. If you get to know the other child better, you may be able to figure out what your child finds appealing about this friend. Most people have some likable qualities and discovering these might help you put your irritations in perspective.

How can I Help my Child make friends at home?

Although we can’t make friends for our kids, we can create opportunities for them to make new friends or deepen casual friendships. Possibilities include getting your child involved in new afterschool activities, encouraging your child to invite different friends over for a playdate, or inviting another family for a family game night.

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Should I be friends with my child’s friends?

But if you try to be friends with your child, it comes at the cost of your authority, and it undermines your role as a parent. Practically speaking, your child can find another friend, but your child can’t find another parent. You and only you can be your child’s parent, and that’s why you need to be the parent and not the friend.

Should I forbid my child from hanging out with a friend?

Out of concern for your child, or maybe just because you don’t want this kid around, you may be tempted to forbid your child from hanging out with a friend you don’t like. There are several reasons not to do this. First, your child is likely to blab, announcing publicly, “My parents say I’m not allowed to play with you!”