
How many requests can a Apache Web server handle?

How many requests can a Apache Web server handle?

By default, Apache Request limit is 160 requests per second, that is, Apache can handle up to 160 requests per second, without any modification.

How many concurrent requests can a web server handle?

You can have 1,000 concurrent requests per second, depending on what is being requested.

How does Apache server handle requests?

Requests are handled in parallel by the web server (which runs the PHP script). Updating data in the database is pretty fast, so any update will appear instantaneous, even if you need to update multiple tables.

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How can I calculate how many requests per second my server can handle?

Formula for calculating the max capacity of your web server The servers capacity is 32 CPU cores, so when every request to the website on average uses 0.323 seconds of CPU time, we might expect it to be able to deal with approximately 32 cores / 0.323 seconds CPU time = 99 requests per second.

How does Apache process a request?

An Apache server will handle numerous HTTP requests at a single time. In order to do this, the server has to run on multiple “threads” of execution. A thread is a part of a program that branches off from the main program and runs at the same time in order to accomplish a specific task.

What is better Apache or NGINX?

At serving static content, Nginx is the king! It performs 2.5 times faster than Apache according to a benchmark test running up to 1,000 simultaneous connections. Nginx serves the static resources without PHP having to know about this. This makes Nginx more effective and less demanding on the system resources.

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Can Apache handle multiple requests at the same time?

30 +25 Apache can surely handle multiple requests at the same time, there is something surely going wrong within your apache configuration.

How can I increase the Max client limit of Apache server?

You can increase max client limit but the limit will totally depends upon your server configuration. On an average each apache thread will take let say 25MB , then in that case you have keep max client value to (MAX*load on each thread)/ (RAM allocated*threads). Always maintain this ratio to 1/2.

How can I limit the number of Apache processes per process?

Perhaps the most critical hardware item to be taken into account is the amount of RAM allocated for each Apache process. While you cannot control this directly, you can restrict the number of child processes through the MaxRequestWorkers directive (formerly known as MaxClients in Apache 2.2 ), which will put limits on the RAM usage by Apache.

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How can I increase the number of threads in Apache Apache?

Apache comes with 40-100 max threads. It can be increased to allow more threads to be handled at the same time. The application should be monitored before making any changes to it. Based on the response, try to change “ThreadsPerChild” and “AcceptThreads” accordingly.