
Is Chatter safe?

Is Chatter safe?

Chatter is a secure and reliable platform reminiscent of the popular social media networking sites. It enables users to leverage a social media networking approach to engage and interact with team members and coworkers.

What is the use of chatter?

Chatter lets users collaborate on sales opportunities, service cases, campaigns, and projects with embedded apps and custom actions. Use Chatter in your favorite browser (1) or on your phone or other mobile device (2). The Salesforce mobile app offers a rich and powerful mobile interface for collaboration on the go.

What is chatter on social media?

A Free Private Social Network Off the bat, signing up for Chatter.com enables users to communicate and collaborate with remote colleagues via features the social world has popularized: profiles, status updates, comments, real-time feeds, the ability to follow people or documents, etc.

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How long does chatter stay in Salesforce?

How long are Chatter posts stored? Chatter posts, like any other data in the Salesforce customer database, are stored forever unless deleted by a system admin or user.

How do I restrict access to chatter?

To prevent that person from accessing Chatter, disable Chatter in both the person’s user profile and permission set. When Chatter profile-based rollout is enabled for an org, Chatter is automatically enabled when some user-level permissions are already enabled.

What is Chatter collaboration?

Salesforce Chatter is a free social collaboration tool similar to Facebook and Twitter, but for organizations on the Salesforce.com platform. Chatter allows users to collaborate securely at work to establish networks, share files and status updates.

What is Chatter feed?

Salesforce Chatter Feed is an interface wherein you and other Chatter users in your org can view profiles, updates, status messages, topic detail pages, on record detail pages, objects, and groups. Posts of people you follow on Chatter, as well as your own posts, can be seen on your Chatter feed.

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What is chatter program?

CHATTER is a group intervention program for children and teens who have social pragmatic delays. Volunteer peers from the community also participate in each group, modelling skills and creating valuable opportunities for children to practice and generalize their learning.

Is chatter like slack?

Chatter Is Asynchronous (Instead of Real-Time) This is a very clunky, slow experience compared to real-time chat like Slack.

Do Chatter posts expire?

In the chatter FAQs it says the life of chatter posts on the server is limited, but it doesn’t say for how long. The length of time posts, comments, and tracked field changes are stored on the Salesforce servers(are limited)

How long are Chatter posts stored?

How long are Chatter posts stored? Chatter posts, like any other data in the Salesforce customer database, are stored forever unless deleted by a system admin or user.

Who can see Chatter posts?

Chatter profiles are viewable by all Salesforce users. If user A posts a feed to user B’s profile, then user B and any users following user B will receive the feed and any user that views user B’s profile will see the post.