What drugs cause elevated levels of creatinine?

What drugs cause elevated levels of creatinine?

Several drugs, such as cimetidine, trimethoprim, corticosteroids, pyrimethamine, phenacemide, salicylates and active vitamin D metabolites, have been reported to increase plasma creatinine without influencing its glomerular filtration.

What can affect creatinine test?

Some of the causes of high creatinine levels are:

  • Chronic kidney disease. Share on Pinterest Intense exercise can result in increased creatinine levels.
  • Kidney obstruction.
  • Dehydration.
  • Increased consumption of protein.
  • Intense exercise.
  • Certain medications.

Why would my creatinine be elevated?

Elevated creatinine level signifies impaired kidney function or kidney disease. As the kidneys become impaired for any reason, the creatinine level in the blood will rise due to poor clearance of creatinine by the kidneys. Abnormally high levels of creatinine thus warn of possible malfunction or failure of the kidneys.

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What does a high creatinine level mean in a drug test?

Creatinine is a normal waste product that the body produces every day during muscle movements and when digesting meat. Healthy kidneys remove creatinine from the blood, and it leaves the body in urine. High levels of creatinine in the urine can indicate diabetes, high muscle tone, or problems with the kidneys.

Can dehydration cause high creatinine?

Dehydration generally causes BUN levels to rise more than creatinine levels. This causes a high BUN-to-creatinine ratio. Kidney disease or blocked urine flow from your kidney causes both BUN and creatinine levels to rise.

Does creatinine affect drug test?

Urine samples used in drug-abuse testing should be tested for creatinine; if creatinine is less than 4.0 mmol/L, negative results for drugs may not be valid.

Why do drug tests check creatinine?

The Department of Health and Human Services requires that creatinine testing is performed on every urine workplace drug testing specimen in order to ensure sample validity where they have imposed a creatinine concentration <20 mg/dL is considered to be dilute (17, 18).

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Can dehydration cause elevated creatinine?

To check for severe dehydration. Dehydration generally causes BUN levels to rise more than creatinine levels. This causes a high BUN-to-creatinine ratio. Kidney disease or blocked urine flow from your kidney causes both BUN and creatinine levels to rise.