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Why are INFJs so sensitive?

Why are INFJs so sensitive?

INFJs are very, very sensitive, but that is mainly because they have observed their ideas for a very long time, and have good reason to believe in them. We are very passionate when it comes to our ideas. Often we make these ideas, i.e. feminism, or inequality to be our causes in life, and what we strive for.

Can INFJ become Intj?

Your type is just whichever one you prefer to manifest most. I’ve read that many INFJs eventually morph into an INTJ, as they mature. It’s not entirely uncommon.

Why are Intjs so intense?

They both have an inferior mental process called Extraverted Sensing, or “Se” for short. This means that they both tend to process information in a similar way, and they both tend to get stressed and annoyed by similar things. These processes work together to give INJs an intense, focused demeanor.

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Why does Intj hate Infj?

INTJs rarely dislike INFJs or vice versa. Both as ‘Ni’ dominant types connect considerably and when they are talking the third person is often at a loss what to do and how to get rid of these crazy two. The one point in which they differ is their auxiliary function. INFJs are more feelers while INTJs are intellectuals.

What is it like to be an INFJ?

The individual feelings of the INFJ are often murky because they are so clouded by outside influences. Many empaths need alone time because they are so engulfed in the emotional world of other people.

What does it mean to be an INFJ Empath?

It sees patterns, trends, and symbolic meaning. INFJs often experience “A-ha” moments of insight about a person or about a future possibility. This process also enables them to shift perspectives and imagine things from multiple points of view. According to Orloff, empaths also identify as highly-sensitive people.

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Why are INFJs so awkward in relationships?

Sometimes this causes the INFJ to feel tense around certain people, especially when they know something about that person which they are hiding. This makes situations awkward, and so it really isn’t the INFJ who is being awkward but rather the circumstances.

Are INFJs emotionally reactive?

When it comes to emotional reactivity, some INFJs may relate to this, but many INFJs tend to respond more to other people’s emotional reactions than their own. The individual feelings of the INFJ are often murky because they are so clouded by outside influences.