
What is a good commute time to work?

What is a good commute time to work?

When researchers asked participants what their ideal commute time would be, they discovered that most people requested it to be at least 5 minutes long.

How long is the average commute to work UK?

1 hour and 38 minutes
Statistics show that the average commute time for a UK worker is 1 hour and 38 minutes and the average cost per month is £160. With the average mortgage reported at £772 per month, this means the average worker in the UK is paying the equivalent of 21 percent of their mortgage to commute to work.

How far do you commute to work UK?

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According to respondents, the average commute time in the UK is now 62 minutes a day, with 15\% of workers commuting for 102 minutes or more. 23 miles is the average round trip, while 14\% of commuters travel over 42 miles a day.

How long does it take you to commute to work?

The average American spends 25.4 minutes commuting each way, which adds up to a total of 204 hours — about 5 work weeks! — per year. (New Yorkers have the longest commutes, at 38 minutes each way. Mine takes an hour.) Needless to say, your commute is kind of a big deal… In his book The Happiness Hypothesis,…

How long does the average American spend commuting each way?

The average American spends 25.4 minutes commuting each way, which adds up to a total of 204 hours — about 5 work weeks! — per year. (New Yorkers have the longest commutes, at 38 minutes each way.

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How long does it take to commute to work by boat?

I take a boat to work, and am always happy to talk about it. The average American spends 25.4 minutes commuting each way, which adds up to a total of 204 hours — about 5 work weeks! — per year. (New Yorkers have the longest commutes, at 38 minutes each way.

Does your commute time affect your work-life balance?

The Regus Work-Life Balance Index for 2012 found that people who commute for longer than 45 minutes each way reported lower sleep quality and more exhaustion than people with shorter commutes. To get better a better night’s sleep and feel more rested, regardless of your commuter status, check out our story, “Why Are Modern Women So Exhausted?”