What happens when you put a fraction to a negative power?

What happens when you put a fraction to a negative power?

A negative exponent just means that the base is on the wrong side of the fraction line, so you need to flip the base to the other side.

Is a number raised to a negative power is always negative?

When you raise a number to a negative power, first raise the number to the absolute value of the power. The number we raise to a power is called the base. In this explanation the power we start with is always a negative number. The absolute value of that power will always be a whole number.

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Does a negative fraction become positive?

Where does the negative sign go in a fraction? If both the numerator and denominator are negative, then the fraction itself is positive because we are dividing a negative by a negative.

When I is raised to an even power the result is?

Negative numbers raised to odd powers remain negative. Negative numbers raised to even powers become positive.

What is negative one to the power?

Negative one is a special value for an exponent, because taking a number to the power of negative one gives its reciprocal: x−1=1x.

Is the difference between a positive like fraction and a negative like fraction always positive?

Remember that a positive fraction is ALWAYS greater than a negative fraction. What about negative and positive decimals? Negative and positive decimals can be compared just like fractions. Decimals are a part of a whole just like fractions are a part of a whole.

Why must negative exponents be changed to positive exponents?

A positive exponent tells us how many times to multiply a base number, and a negative exponent tells us how many times to divide a base number. We can rewrite negative exponents like x⁻ⁿ as 1 / xⁿ.

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What are the rules of fractions?

The basic rule for the division of fractions is simple. Dividing fractions is followed by the reciprocal and multiplication. It’s the single operation in which you have needed to reciprocal a fraction.

How to solve fractions with exponents?

Start with m=1 and n=1,then slowly increase n so that you can see 1/2,1/3 and 1/4

  • Then try m=2 and slide n up and down to see fractions like 2/3 etc
  • Now try to make the exponent -1
  • Lastly try increasing m,then reducing n,then reducing m,then increasing n: the curve should go around and around
  • How to solve negative powers?

    Add exponents together if the multiplied base numbers are the same. If two identical base numbers are multiplied,you can add the negative exponents together.

  • Subtract negative exponents if the divided base numbers are the same. Exponents with the same base number can be subtracted from one another.
  • Keep exponents the same when the base number is different. If two different base numbers with the same exponents are multiplied or divided,do not change the exponent value.
  • Practice different equations to become a master of negative exponents.
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    What is the power of a fraction?

    In general, a power of a fraction is a fraction, called the base, raised to a number, called the exponent. In our example, 3/4 is the base, and 2 is the exponent.