Tips and tricks

Where did the Hussars come from?

Where did the Hussars come from?

Early Hungarian hussars The hussars reportedly originated in bands of Serb warriors, crossing into southern Hungary after the Ottoman conquest of Serbia in the late 14th century. Regent-Governor John Hunyadi created mounted units inspired by the Ottomans.

How many cavalry regiments are there?

Of the currently 9 regular cavalry regiments, 2 serve as armoured regiments, 3 as armoured cavalry regiments, 3 as light cavalry, and 1 as a mounted ceremonial regiment. There are also four yeomanry regiments of the Army Reserve, of these, 3 serve as light cavalry and 1 as an armoured regiment.

Why did soldiers wear breastplates?

In the armor of a Roman soldier, the breastplate served as protection for some of the most important parts of the body. Underneath the breastplate is the heart, lungs and other organs necessary for life.

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Did Civil War soldiers wear helmets?

This is typical of the armour worn by a harquebusier (horse soldier) in the English Civil Wars: helmet, breastplate and backplate. He would also have worn a leather jacket and thick leather riding boots. The helmet is known as a ‘three-barred pott’. …

What were the main infantry tactics of the Napoleonic Wars?

The main infantry tactics of the Napoleonic wars were skirmisher lines, skirmishers split up in a line formation, usually in front of the bulk of infantry to skirmish the enemy but remain difficult targets to line infantry and artillery, they are vulnerable to cavalry as it takes time to form square from the formation.

What would have happened if cavalry had armor?

If cavalry had armour, a lot of factors of the Napoleonic cavalry would change. Cavalries would have a hard time using their musketoons and pistols which are vital to attack against enemy anti-cavalry formations like squares. The shield would take away a lot of budget, and its actual effect was very minor against infantry who could shoot.

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Why were shields so expensive in the Napoleonic era?

Because shields were expensive, as armies grew, the amount of shields required for cavalry increased dramatically. In the Roman times, cavalry of an army was just couple of hundred and the most it barely went over a thousand. In the Napoleonic era, the mass got ten times bigger.

What was the role of Cavs in the Napoleonic era?

Piece by piece, the cavs took off their armour and at the Napoleonic time period, almost all the cavs were naked of armour. Due to that, their main role was using the speed. They swiftly manoeuvred through enemy lines, flanked them and harassed the enemy or act as screens so that the infantry can approach nearby to the enemy line not getting shot.