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What does someone mean when they say bite me?

What does someone mean when they say bite me?

bite me ​Definitions and Synonyms phrase​American​very informal. used for rudely telling someone that you are upset or annoyed with something they have just said or done. “You’re not smart enough to get a job like that.” “Bite me!”

Where does the term Bite Me Come From?

Disc Jockeys London and Engelman comedy team aka morning zoo in the late 70’s thru the 80’s had a skit with a character who’s phrase was bite me. The phrase was written into the skit by Ron Engelman .

What does more bark than bite mean?

phrase. If you say that someone’s bark is worse than their bite, you mean that they seem much more unpleasant or hostile than they really are.

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What does what a racket mean?

1 : confused clattering noise : clamor. 2a : social whirl or excitement. b : the strain of exciting or trying experiences. 3a : a fraudulent scheme, enterprise, or activity. b : a usually illegitimate enterprise made workable by bribery or intimidation.

What does “I’ll bite” mean on Quora?

I think I have used this phrase on Quora, when answering a question that may be insincere. The phrase “I’ll bite” is used when you are given an opening to respond to a question or statement, and you suspect that there might be some negative consequence. It’s a trick question, or there is a bad joke coming.

What does “Okay I’ll bite” mean?

By saying “okay, I’ll bite,” you are acknowledging the risk of sounding wrong or falling victim to the other person’s joke, but saying that you are willing to play along anyway. Imagine that someone is asking you to do something, but you are not sure if you should do it. Finally you agree to do it.

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How to get a girl’s number after meeting her?

If you meet her during the day and will soon part ways and your propensity is towards over-excitement rather than aloofness, then you want to get her number, revive a topic from earlier, and then exit. If you’re at a club or bar and want her that night, use that excited energy to escalate the passion.

What is considered a rejection on a date?

Generally anything other than a yes or telling you when she would be available is a rejection. Don’t get your hopes up. Sorry man. The whole point of a date is to get to know someone better.