
How are Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great different?

How are Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great different?

Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar set the standard of what a leader should be. However, despite the two leader’s great accomplishments, Alexander the Great is a better leader. Both leaders were betrayed, however Alexander was more betrayed for his good deeds than for his huge weaknesses unlike Caesar.

Who is Julius Caesar compared to?

The life of Julius Caesar is comparable to the life of Abraham Lincoln in a variety of ways. While unique similarities exist in the lives of these two men, distinct differences also exist. Abraham Lincoln was an orator; Julius Caesar a notable author of Latin prose. They were both leaders.

Did Caesar feel he had not yet completed a noteworthy undertaking?

On the other hand, Caesar felt he had not yet completed a noteworthy undertaking. The stroke of the thirty-second year for the two great Ancients, Alexander and Caesar, admirable icons of that historical era, was the end of existence for the first, and the beginning of an exceptional vital path for the second.

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How did Caesar feel about Alexander’s death at 32 years old?

On the one hand, he saw how at 32, the same age as himself, Alexander had left, dying, a boundless empire that he had created. On the other hand, Caesar felt he had not yet completed a noteworthy undertaking.

What is Alexander the Great like as a person?

Alexander, on the other hand, reflects in himself the idea of the divine, and appears to us as a historical and temporal incarnation shaped by celestial forces. He is almost an unconscious executor of superior wills, indecipherable in the eyes of ordinary mortals.

Who was yoked to Alexander’s cart?

Thanks to them, and the success of Macedonian weapons, the great Persian King Darius III Codomannus, enemy par excellence of the Hellenic world, was yoked to Alexander’s cart. The glorious lineage of the Achaemenids was extinguished.