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What does the solidus symbol mean?

What does the solidus symbol mean?

Fraction slash
Fraction slash. Division slash. Fullwidth solidus. The slash is an oblique slanting line punctuation mark /. Once used to mark periods and commas, the slash is now most often used to represent exclusive or inclusive or, division and fractions, and as a date separator.

What is a solidus in punctuation?

Solidus, an alternative name for the slash punctuation mark.

What is the difference between a slash and a backslash?

There are two types of slashes: a backslash (\) and a forward slash (/). The backslash is used only for computer coding. The forward slash, often simply referred to as a slash, is a punctuation mark used in English.

What are slash fractions called?

The diagonal slash “/” used as the bar between numerator and denominator of an in-line fraction (Bringhurst 1997, p. 284). The solidus is also called a diagonal.

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What does a slash mean in writing?

The slash (/) is also known as: forward slash, stroke, oblique. You should use the slash with care in formal writing. A slash is often used to indicate “or”: Dear Sir/Madam (Sir or Madam)

Which country uses solidus?

Solidus was introduced by the great emperor Constantine in 309-310. The coin was produced and used through the whole Empire of Byzantine. The Solidus is a solid and pure gold coin with high purchasing power. These coins were usually marked as wealth and were never used by the common citizens.

Is solidus a real word?

noun, plural sol·i·di [sol-i-dahy]. a gold coin of ancient Rome, introduced by Constantine and continued in the Byzantine Empire; bezant. (in medieval Europe) a money of account equal to 12 denarii.

Why do people get backslash wrong?

RE the incorrect usage… A slash that leans forward, is a forward slash / . But it is written backwards (write one now, top right back to bottom left) hence the reason people call it a backslash (incorrectly). A backslash has the opposite properties, (ie leans back but is written forwards).

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What is a black slash?

The backslash \ is a typographical mark used mainly in computing and is the mirror image of the common slash /. It is sometimes called a hack, whack, escape (from C/UNIX), reverse slash, slosh, downwhack, backslant, backwhack, bash, reverse slant, and reversed virgule.

What is the line between the numerator and denominator called?

The line that separates the numerator and the denominator in a fraction. Also called a Vinculum in some countries.

Where do you use a slash?

You should use the slash with care in formal writing.

  1. A slash is often used to indicate “or”:
  2. Use a slash for fractions:
  3. Use a slash to indicate “per” in measurements of speed, prices etc:
  4. People often use a slash in certain abbreviations:
  5. A slash is often used in dates to separate day, month and year:

What is the solidus ( ⁄ )?

The solidus ( ⁄ ) is a punctuation mark used to indicate fractions including fractional currency. It may also be called a shilling mark, an in-line fraction bar, or a fraction slash. The solidus is similar to another punctuation mark, the slash ( / ), which is found on standard keyboards; the slash is closer to being vertical than the solidus.

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What is a slash used for?

The slash or virgule is a forward sloping line (/) that serves as a mark of punctuation. Also called an oblique, an oblique stroke, a diagonal, a solidus, a forward slash, and a separatrix. The slash is commonly used to:

What is another name for a solidus Mark?

It may also be called a shilling mark, an in-line fraction bar, or a fraction slash. (…) The solidus is similar to another punctuation mark, the slash ( / ), which is found on standard keyboards; the slash is closer to being vertical than the solidus.

What is the difference between a backslash and a slash?

Back slash is the mirror image of the common slash “/” (forward slash). It is encoded at U+005C \\ REVERSE SOLIDUS (92 decimal) in Unicode and ASCII. Forward slash “/”, usually known as slash, is an oblique slanting line punctuation mark. Sometimes, in order to distinguish it from the backslash, we call it forward slash.