
What percentage of people love Harry Potter?

What percentage of people love Harry Potter?

After Harry Potter hit the 500 million sales mark in 2018, it’s estimated that one in 15 people in the world may own one of the novels. So, basically, if you bumped into anyone on the planet and said, ‘Hey, do you like Harry Potter? ‘ – chances are 1 in 15 of those people would say yes.

Is Harry Potter likable?

After all J.K. Rowling has equipped him with all the attributes worthy of a Greek hero. He is dauntless, self-sacrificing and unflinchingly loyal. While these characteristics definitely make him likeable they do not necessarily make him the fan-favourite.

Why do they hate Harry Potter?

Rowling also revealed the reasons behind the characters’ names, explaining that they were names she never cared for and associated with unpleasantness. It has been previously theorised that the Dursleys hated Harry because he was one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes – thus the magic around him warped their minds.

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Why do people hate Harry Potter so much?

Every part of the plot is full of nonsense like this—obvious flaws that simply indicate lazy writing. The second, and most important, reason I hate Harry Potter is about the messages and morals of the books. Throughout the series, J.K. Rowling attempts to send certain messages or teach certain morals through the story.

How many people have read all of the Harry Potter books?

In honor of the release of the final Harry Potter film, we thought we’d ask a few questions about the Harry Potter series. According to our results, 18\% of those surveyed had read all of the Harry Potter books—a whopping 4000 pages in total—and 31\% had read at least one of the books.

Was Harry Potter a good influence on society?

39\% thought that it was a good influence and had positive lessons to teach. These responses skewed across political ideologies—32\% of those who identified themself as Conservative condemned the Harry Potter books for portraying witchcraft, while 57\% of those who identified themself as Liberal considered the books a positive influence.

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Are the Harry Potter movies really that bad?

Based on critics’ ratings on RottenTomatoes.com, they are. The worst-rated movie of the bunch, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, still carries nearly an 80\% freshness rating. The third film, directed by auteur filmmaker Alfonso Cuaron, was the best received by critics up until this latest installment.