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Is polygamy possible?

Is polygamy possible?

Polygamy is rare throughout most of the world. In the U.S., having spouselike relationships with more than one person under the same roof was criminalized in 1882.

Are polygamous marriages legal in India?

Legal developments Thus polygamy became illegal in India in 1956, uniformly for all of its citizens except for Muslims, who are permitted to have four wives and for Hindus in Goa and along the western coast where bigamy is legal. A polygamous Hindu marriage is null and void.

Should we legalize polygamy in America?

Yes, really. While the Supreme Court and the rest of us are all focused on the human right of marriage equality, let’s not forget that the fight doesn’t end with same-sex marriage. We need to legalize polygamy, too. Legalized polygamy in the United States is the constitutional, feminist, and sex-positive choice.

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What is the difference between polygamy and polyandry?

Polygyny is when a man is married to multiple wives at a time, and polyandry refers to when a woman is married to multiple husbands. If a marriage has multiple husbands and wives, it can be referred to as a group marriage. In contrast to polygamy is monogamy, which is a marriage consisting of only two spouses. Religious Views on Polygamy

Is there such a thing as a ‘healthy’ polygamous family?

In a United States with legalized polygamy, responsible plural families could emerge from the shadows—making it easier for authorities to zero in on the criminals who remain there. Many people argue that there is no such thing as a “healthy, responsible” polygamous family, particularly for the children born into one.

Is it legal to have multiple wives in the US?

In countries where marriage is legally monogamous, de facto polygamy is allowed if adultery is not illegal. In this case, there would be no legal recognition for non-official “spouses.” In every country in North America and South America, polygamy is illegal, and practice is criminalized.