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Do you need material components if you have a spellcasting focus?

Do you need material components if you have a spellcasting focus?

Nope. A spellcasting focus can be used in place of a material component only if that component has no cost noted in the spell’s description and if that component isn’t consumed.

Does innate spellcasting require material components?

Q: innate spellcasting doesn’t require material components.

Does a spellcasting focus replace components?

By the rules, your spellcasting focus is equal to your component pouch, and a component pouch holds all the material components you need “except for those components that have a specific cost”.

Does a spellcasting focus replace somatic components?

The rule in the handbook states that a spellcasting focus may be held in the same hand used for somatic components, but it doesn’t state that this only works if the spellcasting focus itself is being used as a material component for the spell being cast.

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What can be a spellcasting focus?

An arcane focus is a special item— an orb, a crystal, a rod, a specially constructed staff, a wand-like length of wood, or some similar item— designed to channel the power of arcane spells. A sorcerer, warlock, or wizard can use such an item as a spellcasting focus, as described in chapter 10.

Do monsters need spell components?

Thus, in the absence of any other spellcasting rules specific to innate spellcasting, the normal rules would be the standard spellcasting rules from the PHB. That would mean that innate spells need all the components as normal spells (unless a specific rule for that monster says otherwise).

Does innate spellcasting use spell slots?

This “innate spellcasting” works mostly the same way that spellcasting does. However, the creature can only cast specific spells at specific spell levels, and they don’t have spell slots or the ability to cast those spells at higher spell levels.

Do Wizards need spell components?

It is necessary to hold the material component a spell, but this may also be the same hand as is used for the somatic components, therefore, a caster must have a free hand to cast a spell.

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Do spellcasting monsters need material components to cast their spells?

If a spellcasting monster needs material components to cast its spells, assume that it has the material components it needs to cast the spells in its stat block. Therefore, you as the DM don’t have to worry about these components, since this paragraph is valid for both regular and innate spellcasting.

Can a monster with innate spellcasting special cast an innate spell?

A monster with the innate ability to cast Spells has the Innate Spellcasting Special trait. Unless noted otherwise, an innate spell of 1st level or higher is always cast at its lowest possible level and can’t be cast at a higher level. This text suggests that the invisibility spell would be cast at 2d level and could not be up cast.

Should spell casters ignore material components in DND?

To expand on J. A. Streich’s answer: By ignoring material components, you are increasing the power and versatility of spell casters. Of course, D&D is a game where the rules say you can change the rules, so you are free to make the rules what you want, and what you think is fun.

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Can a cambion cast spells innately?

Also, many monsters with Innate Spellcasting have an additional note that states something like: Innate Spellcasting. The cambion’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14). The cambion can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: […]