What is the logic behind touching feet?

What is the logic behind touching feet?

Touching the feet of elders to seek their blessings is one of the nicer traditions in Hinduism. Some other communities practice it too, though to a lesser extent. Of course, you rarely touch the feet, it’s more the movement of bending-bowing to show your respect. It is more prevalent in northern and central India.

How do we our elder in the morning?

Read below for a few ways to recognize and appreciate our elders:

  1. Spend time with them (and listen intently).
  2. Be polite.
  3. Ask for advice.
  4. Eat together.
  5. Discuss family heritage, history and traditions.
  6. Call them.
  7. Tell them how much you appreciate and respect them.
  8. Visit senior living communities.

Why do we touch the feet?

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Why touching the feet is beneficial for us is also discussed in this. In an Indian tradition touching the feet is very common gesture that we used to give to our elders. It is a sign of respect and adopted since Vedic period and also known as Charan Sparsh.

What happens when you touch the feet of an elder?

When you touch the feet of an elder keeping aside your ego, then the elder accepts your shraddha or your reduced ego and their heart emits positive vibes or thoughts and energy, we can also say it as karuna which reaches you through their hands and toes.

Why do we touch feet in Hinduism?

When greeting, children touch the feet of their family elders, while people of all ages will bend to touch the feet of a great guru, deity of a Deva (God) (such as Rama and Krishna). Source : Wikipedia. So the main reason for touching feet is to show respect to elders and get their blessings.

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What are the three methods of touching the feet?

– Some say that there are three methods of touching the feet one is to lean forward and touch the feet, second is to sit on the knees and touch the feet and the third is also known as ‘Sashtang Pranam’. – In an exercise it is said that leaning forward and touching the feet stretches the waist and back bone.