
How do you use fortunate in a sentence?

How do you use fortunate in a sentence?

Fortunate sentence example

  1. She was so fortunate to have such a wonderful family.
  2. How fortunate !
  3. I consider myself fortunate to have such a subordinate by me.
  4. Yes, life had changed in the last six months, but they were fortunate that those changes had been for the good.

What does it mean when someone says they are fortunate?

You can be fortunate to have avoided something terrible and you can be fortunate to have acquired, won, or been bestowed with something better than those around you, like wealth and good looks.

Is it fortunate or fortunate enough?

Fortunate enough to X = possessing luck in sufficient degree to achieve or do X. Fortunate to X is an absolute in which fortune or luck is not a matter of degree. Fortunate to X = their having achieved or done X is a stroke of good fortune.

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What is the word family for fortunate?

Word family (noun) fortune misfortune unfortunate (adjective) fortunate ≠ unfortunate (adverb) fortunately ≠ unfortunately.

Is lucky and fortunate the same thing?

Lucky: “Having, or attended by, good luck. In early use often, Fortunate, successful, prosperous. Now with narrower meaning: Favoured by chance; successful through causes other than one’s own action or merit.” Fortunate: “Favoured by fortune; possessed of or receiving good fortune; lucky, prosperous.”

Is fortunate a synonym for Lucky?

Some common synonyms of lucky are fortunate, happy, and providential. While all these words mean “meeting with unforeseen success,” lucky stresses the agency of chance in bringing about a favorable result.

What is the sentence of family?

Examples of family in a Sentence The show is fun for the whole family. a death in the family There are several doctors on his mother’s side of the family. She wants to spend more time with her family. After his father’s death he became the head of the family.

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How do you use the word fortunate in a sentence?

A fortunatefew have previously negotiated conversion from lease to proper title with the former laird for just the cost of the legal expenses. Help a less fortunatefamily for Christmas by providing all the fixings for a Christmas meal, presents for the children and clothes if needed. Show More Sentences

What is the meaning of we have been fortunate in overseas?

We have been fortunatein the stream of overseas students and visitors who have enriched our collegiate life. Almost 5000 Allied troops died that day, and Capa, the ill-starred gambler, was fortunatenot to be among the dead. Show More Sentences

What is society’s interest in treating the least fortunate?

I’m fortunatenot to have a lot coming up on the chin, but once in a while you get a few, and they have to be tweezed out. Society as a whole has an interest in seeing that the least fortunateof its citizens who are accused of crimes are treated humanely and fairly.