
What is Dutch frikandel?

What is Dutch frikandel?

A frikandel (Dutch pronunciation: [frikɑnˈdɛl] ( listen); plural frikandellen) is a traditional snack originating from the historical Low Countries (Netherlands, Belgium and north of France), a sort of minced-meat hot dog, of which the modern version was developed after World War II.

What are Fricadelles?

Frikadelle are flat, pan-fried meatballs of minced meat, often likened to the Danish version of meatballs. It is considered a national dish in Denmark. They are one of the most popular meals in Poland, where they are known as “kotlety mielone”.

Is there horse meat in frikandel?

The meat of the frikandel is usually a mixture of chicken, pork and/or beef. Suprisingly, some manufacturers also use horse meat. Other ingredients are usually potatoes or flour to bulk up the mixture, and a mix of spices and herbs. They are fairly easy to make from scratch, but also very cheap to buy frozen.

What does Frikandelbroodje mean?

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Compound of frikandel (“deep-fried snack shaped like sausage”) +‎ broodje (“roll, bun”).

What meat is frikandel made of?

Frikandel is made by grinding large quantities of beef, pork and chicken with allspice, nutmeg, onion powder and seasoning. The meats and spices are blended with a little whipped cream to help bind them together before being pushed through a sausage stuffer.

How do you pronounce frikandel?


  1. IPA: /ˌfri.kɑnˈdɛl/
  2. Audio. (file)
  3. Hyphenation: fri‧kan‧del.
  4. Rhymes: -ɛl.

Who invented frikandel?

50 years of “frikandel” (or is it 55 years?) Snack producer Beckers claims their founder Jan Bekkers invented the sausage in the fifties. Others see De Vries Vleessnacks in Dordrecht as the real inventor. A new variation of the frikandel, the “Pikandel”, will be launched this year.

Do Dutch people eat horses?

Horse steaks used to be a popular meat in the Netherlands but are now much less widely eaten. Instead, horse is used to bulk out more expensive meat in snack products. Checks on popular Dutch snacks such as bitterballen carried out by Wageningen University in 2007 found horse meat was included in 32\% of them.

How long is a Frikandel?

The meat will shrink at least a third in the water, so the longer the better. Frikandellen measure on average a good seven inches long.

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What is Dutch Kroket?

A kroket (or kroketten if you are eating 2 or more) is a popular and typical Dutch fast-food dish. A traditional kroket is made from a meat ragout covered in breadcrumbs and then deep fried. The kroket became popular after World War II, when several suppliers started mass-producing the fast food snack.

Is frikandel a beef?

Frikandel is made by grinding large quantities of beef, pork and chicken with allspice, nutmeg, onion powder and seasoning. It is typically eaten plain, with mayonnaise, or most infamously with curry ketchup, mayonnaise and chopped raw onion, a dubious concoction that has been dubbed the “frikandel speciaal“.

What do you eat with Frikadellen?

How Do You Serve Frikadeller? In Germany Frikadellen are commonly served with potato salad (try our Swabian Potato Salad and Creamy Potato Salad) or a crusty roll slathered with mustard. Many also eat them with mashed potatoes, and vegetables.

What is a frikandel in the Netherlands?

Patat speciaal and frikandel speciaal served in a Dutch snackbar. A frikandel (Dutch pronunciation: [frikɑnˈdɛl] ( listen); plural frikandellen) is a traditional Dutch snack, a sort of minced-meat hot dog, of which the modern version was developed either in 1954 or in 1958/1959.

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Do you eat frikandellen?

I don’t eat frikandellen, but they are very popular in the Netherlands with 600 million of them produced on an annual basis (for a population of 17 million). A frikandel is deep fried, and then usually served with mayonnaise, ketchup, and onions.

What is frikadel called in Belgium?

In Belgium frikadel means (also raw) minced pork; it seldom contains other meat. Where the sausage is called “curryworst”, the term frikadel is often used to describe a sort of meatball (the precursor of the frikandel, with the same meat), commonly eaten in Belgium, Germany and Denmark.

How do you cook frikandellen?

The typical weight of a frikandel is 70 grams (2.5 oz). Wrap the sausage in cling film, and repeat until you have used up all of the mixture. Bring a pot of water to a boil, then turn off the heat. Place the plastic-wrapped frikandellen in the hot water. Put a plate on top to keep the frikandellen submerged.