
Can a marriage survive alexithymia?

Can a marriage survive alexithymia?

Alexithymia, while effectively isolating a person emotionally, does not always prevent them from getting along well enough to end up married. A spouse with alexithymia, though, will have a lot of trouble relating to their partner and expressing how they feel. This is extremely troublesome in a marriage.

What is alexithymia How would it affect someone?

Alexithymia is when a person has difficulty identifying and expressing emotions. It is not a mental health disorder. People with alexithymia may have problems maintaining relationships and taking part in social situations.

Can someone with alexithymia be in a relationship?

People with alexithymia avoid forming relationships; however, they get married because they still feel the basic human need to belong, which is just as fundamental as the need to eat or sleep, Frye-Cox said.

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How do you help someone with alexithymia?

Treatments for Alexithymia Don’t punish, shame or mock their emotional unresponsiveness. Instead, practice patience. Consider explaining your needs in briefer terms, “I’m feeling tired, I don’t want to cook. Let’s get take-out for dinner.” Or helping them label emotions, “You look angry.

How does alexithymia affect relationships?

How does alexithymia affect relationships? Alexithymia can create interpersonal problems because these individuals tend to avoid emotionally close relationships, or if they do form relationships with others they usually position themselves as either dependent, dominant, or impersonal, “such that the relationship remains superficial”.

Is alexithymia, depression and hostility related?

Alexithymia was significantly associated with higher depression, physical and verbal aggression, anger and hostility among adolescents. Factors underlying the high level of alexithymia remain not fully elucidated.

Is there treatment for alexithymia?

Though there isn’t a treatment out there that targets alexithymia specifically, people with alexithymia can benefit from existing forms of therapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT can help individuals focus on identifying and understanding the connection between thoughts and emotions.

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What are the symptoms of alexithymia?

The inability to verbalize one’s own emotions or the emotions of others

  • Limited fantasy life and,among children,little pretend play
  • Difficulty reacting appropriately to other people’s emotions
  • Struggling with empathy