Is marriage losing its relevance in India?

Is marriage losing its relevance in India?

As far as Indian society is concerned, the relevance of marriage is still intact. So, though the way of living and thinking might have changed and our choice for selecting our partners have widened but the importance of marriage is still intact!

Is marriage valid in today’s society?

Marriage is the sacred union of the two people in love committed to the nurturing of a new life together. Still today, our society flourishes and recognizes the importance of marriage and puts conditions in places and situations that ultimately safeguard the union of a family by law and by religion.

Is marriage important in the 21st century?

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The researchers hypothesized that now, in the 21st century, a primary function of marriage is to provide a long-term stable home for children, which suggests that investments in offspring have become a driving force in preserving the institution of matrimony.

Are divorces increasing in India?

Yet, in recent decades we can see an increase in the divorce rate in India. The increasing divorce rate is related to various social aspects. Arrange marriage is still prevalent in India. And, divorces in arrange marriage setup are as common as love marriages.

Why do people get married in India?

There are some reasons for supporting this fact. Religious Traditions – Many people in India get married because it is in favour of their tradition. Arranged marriages are the best example of it. Many Christians believe that getting married and living together as a family symbolizes their love for Jesus.

Is the concept of marriage losing its relevance?

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We might emphatically say “YES”, it is still an important institution but there are many people who don’t believe in tying knot and shouldering responsibilities. Concept of marriage is indeed losing its relevance but yet not faded completely.

Is marriage losing its grip in India?

The institution of marriage though sacred in India, is slowly losing its grip when it concerns the young and working-class. The youth today are more focused on career-building rather than relationships and marriage.

Do you think that marriage is still relevant today?

Marriage just for the heck of it is unhealthy. It was once seen as prerequisite of adulthood but in modern society many people find it incredibly out-dated. We might emphatically say “YES”, it is still an important institution but there are many people who don’t believe in tying knot and shouldering responsibilities.