How was the Fire Nation able to kill the Airbenders?

How was the Fire Nation able to kill the Airbenders?

These traps were various caves in mountainous parts of the Earth Kingdom turned into makeshift residences. Spies then spread rumors of safehouses for surviving Airbenders across the Earth Kingdom (most likely occupied territories) and this had surviving Air Nomads lured in and then killed by Fire Nation assassins.

How is the Fire Nation so advanced?

The Fire Nation’s technology is conspicuously advanced, and much of its technology is the result of its military-industrial complex. Outside the context of the Hundred-Year War, the Fire Nation’s technology can keep its people safe with coal-powered ships of metal, battle tanks, airships and more.

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How did the Fire Nation invade the air temples?

This combined with the fact that they waited until Sozin’s comet to attack (which gives fire benders extra power) means they used advanced fire bending to attack the air temples. When a fire bender is very strong they can use their bending like jets to propel themselves and make them “fly”.

How did the Fire Nation industrialize?

The Fire Nation was the most technologically advanced nation during the Hundred Year War. A majority of the Fire Nation technologies are made out of metal and fueled by burning coal. Being the orchestrators of the Hundred Year War, most of these technologies are war-oriented.

Are all the Airbenders dead?

Although other Airbenders are mentioned throughout the series and there are Airbenders in The Legend of Korra, Aang was the only survivor of the Air Nomads since he was frozen in the iceberg when the Fire Nation attacked all 4 Air Temples and killed all of the Airbenders.

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Why was the Fire Nation the strongest?

It’s understandable why the default assumption would be that the Fire Nation was the strongest. After all, they held the winning edge in a worldwide war for 100 years, employing vastly superior technological advances, strategically timed strikes and a cohesive and highly disciplined military force.

How powerful is the Fire Nation?

The Fire Nation is probably the most powerful country in the world of Avatar during the Hundred Year War, in both the economic and military sectors. Keeping aside its technological prowess, this country is also known for its science, art, theater, and various other cultural and historical contributions.

Why did the Fire Nation take Waterbenders?

The Southern tribe seemed to be weaker and closer than the Northern tribe. They took their benders because waterbenders if correctly trained are incredibly powerful.

Is the Northern Air Temple destroyed?

The temple remained unscathed by Fire Nation attack and the subsequent explosion. To restore the portions of the Northern Air Temple that were destroyed during War Minister Qin’s attack, they called in the help of earthbenders, and the holes created by the explosions were filled in with new buildings.

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What did the Fire Nation do?

Following the destruction of the Air Nomads, the Fire Nation launched a massive coordinated invasion on the western Earth Kingdom. By 99 AG, the Fire Nation had effectively eradicated the Air Nomads, virtually annihilated the Southern Water Tribe, and controlled most of the Earth Kingdom, to the point of near victory.

Why did the Fire Nation want to capture the Avatar?

There was a good reason why Fire Lord Sozin targeted the remote nation of peace-loving monks before taking on bigger enemies like the Earth Kingdom or the Water Tribes: he was determined to find the next Avatar, and destroy them before they could thwart his plans.