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Why is Thor looking for Odin?

Why is Thor looking for Odin?

For some reason, Thor brought his conniving sibling with him to New York to look for their missing father, Odin. For the sake of getting Loki off Earth and back to Asgard as soon as possible, Strange decides to help the Odinsons look for their missing father/king.

Why did Thor take Loki from NY?

Thor’s Doctor visit For some reason, Thor brought his conniving sibling with him to New York to look for their missing father, Odin. For the sake of getting Loki off Earth and back to Asgard as soon as possible, Strange decides to help the Odinsons look for their missing father/king.

Does Doctor Strange help find Odin?

Given that most of Thor: Ragnarok will take place off Earth, not to mention Thor already has a prominent superhero ally through The Hulk, don’t expect Strange to be a major player in the movie. Once he helps find Odin, presumably his role will be fulfilled, leaving him open to return in Avengers: Infinity War.

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Why did Jane slaps Loki?

She hasn’t forgotten the events of The Avengers, and she totally slaps Loki, saying, “That’s for New York.” You go, girl. Speaking of Loki, the last trailer really only had a glimpse of him as a prisoner at the end, but here he’s out of his cell and actually helping Thor.

Can Thor beat Doctor Strange in a fight?

In a surprise hand-to-hand fight, Thor would decimate Doctor Strange with his brutal strength and durability. However, given prep time, Strange simply has too many tricks up his magical sleeve, and it would be hard for anyone to beat him, even Thor in his strongest form.

Was Benedict Cumberbatch in the original Dr Strange?

Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange from the 2016 film Doctor Strange. Peter Hooten starred as Dr. Stephen Strange in the live-action TV movie Dr. Strange, which premiered on September 6, 1978. In this film, Stephen Strange was a psychiatry resident rather than an experienced neurosurgeon.

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What happened to Stephen Strange in Doctor Strange?

Stephen Strange, M.D., PhD is a selfish doctor who only cares about wealth from his career. The bones in his hands are shattered in a car accident, leading to extensive nerve damage that causes his hands to tremble uncontrollably and renders him unable to perform the fine motor activities required for surgery.

Can Doctor Strange lift Thor’s hammer Mjolnir?

Doctor Strange could lift Mjolnir using magic – for instance, he could use his Sling Ring to create a portal under the hammer and lift it that way, but in terms of physically lifting the hammer, he couldn’t do it, let alone possess the power of Thor.