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What is the genotype of man and woman?

What is the genotype of man and woman?

In humans, the section of the genotype that represents female sex is XX, and XY for males.

What is the genotype of the male answer?

The genotype of male and female are different for the pair of sex chromosomes. Male is hetero-zygous (XY) and female is homo-zygous (XX). The gene controlling this trait is present on X chromosome.

What is the genotype of a sperm *?


What are the 3 basic genotypes?

Genotype is also used to refer to the pair of alleles present at a single locus. With alleles ‘A’ and ‘a’ there are three possible genotypes AA, Aa and aa.

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What is the genotype of the father?

Potential blood types of father

Mother’s Blood Type Possible Mother’s Genotype Possible Father’s Genotype

What is the genotype of a male’s 23rd chromosome?

Conversely, a male’s 23rd chromosome pair is XY, or one X-shaped chromosome inherited from the mother and one Y-shaped chromosome inherited from the father. Usually, XX zygotes become females and XY zygotes become males, but this is not always true.

What is the genotype of normal female?

Females will have two X-linked alleles (because females are XX), whereas males will only have one X-linked allele (because males are XY). Most X-linked traits in humans are recessive.

What are some examples of a genotype?

An example of a genotype is an organism’s blood type, while an example of a phenotype is its height. Height can be affected by an organism’s poor diet while developing or growing up. A person’s genotype is the special allele combination that is in his or her genetic make-up.

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What are the types of genotypes?

Phenotype. This contains two alleles : C and T. SNPs typically have three genotypes, denoted generically AA Aa and aa. In the example above, the three genotypes would be CC, CT and TT. Other types of genetic marker, such as microsatellites, can have more than two alleles, and thus many different genotypes.

What is the scientific definition of genotype?

Genotype, the genetic constitution of an organism. The genotype determines the hereditary potentials and limitations of an individual from embryonic formation through adulthood.

What are human genotypes?

Genotypes are the sole genetic properties of each individual. They are the like system code or input data for the appearance of different traits in accordance with the environmental conditions provided. Genotypes form the basis of appearance of phonotypical trait in an individual.