
Does the protagonist always win?

Does the protagonist always win?

No, your protagonist does not have to succeed. Your protagonist has to arrive at some difficult choice and make a choice that the reader finds emotionally or morally satisfying. That does not mean that they have to win the fight with the antagonist, either immediately or in the future.

Why do villains always win?

There can be any number of other reasons for the bad guy winning: simply for the sake of a twist ending (especially in horror stories, which are often most effective if they leave the audience with a hugely emotionally negative final shock); out of the writer’s desire to be original or to throw in a new twist to keep …

Why does the hero always win in movies?

The hero wins because s/he gets in the last shot, blow, etc. But in order to make it an “even” match, the villain has to get in the next to last shot. A story in which the hero first “scratches,” then wounds, then kills the villain without being threatened in any way wouldn’t be very interesting.

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Can the protagonist fail?

Failure is really important, both for keeping the plot unpredictable and for maintaining tension. If the protagonist never fails, then it’s likely to be a dull story indeed. However, failure also carries risk. When protagonists fail in the wrong way, it can damage the story.

Do protagonists have to be good?

While in many narratives, the protagonist is synonymous with “the good guy,” the word “protagonist” is simply from an Ancient Greek word meaning “one who plays the first part, chief actor.” The definition of protagonist has nothing to do with a character’s internal moral compass: a protagonist can be both a “good” …

Is villain a protagonist?

A villain protagonist is foremost a villain, an undeniable “bad guy” who drives the plot as the main character.

Does the protagonist have to be the main character?

Usually, both the main character and the protagonist are the same character, so that when discussing stories, we tend to use the terms interchangeably, and correctly so. But sometimes, the main character and the protagonist are not the same person.