Tips and tricks

What is the simile of dumb?

What is the simile of dumb?


Dumb as pillar-posts. —George Meredith 9
Dumb as a mouse. —English Proverb 10
As dumb as a dead cuddy. —Scottish Proverb 11
Dumb as a dream. —Algernon Charles Swinburne 12
Dumb and mighty, as a tree grows on a fruitful soil. —Ivan Turgenev 13

What is a metaphor for ignorance?

Ignorance is gaps or holes. Ignorance is a vacuum. Knowledge covers a surface or fills a container. An ignoramus is devoid of knowledge, whereas an expert is brimming with knowledge.

What is a metaphor for a bad person?

Metaphorically, you can focus on the magnitude or extent of what someone does that is wrong or bad, and call that person a “rotten egg,” “holy terror” or a “hell raiser.” You might also refer to that person as the “bad apple that spoils the bunch,” if the misbehaving person incites others to also misbehave.

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What is a simile for hard?

Hard as a brick. —Anonymous. 1. Hard as a cobble-stone.

What is a simile for quiet?

Good similes for this type of silence might be “quiet as the evening”, “quiet as a moonbeam” or “quiet as the dawn”. All of these similes evoke a feeling of calmness, as well as serving to romanticize the silence.

What is a dark metaphor?

Now we turn to metaphors of evil and goodness or purity. We use the word dark to talk about bad actions or characteristics. Other adjectives connected with darkness, for example shady, shadowy and murky are also used to denote dishonesty: There’s a dark side to her character. He was a beacon of light in an evil world.

What is a simile for black?

Also, black as coal or pitch . For example, The well was black as night, or She had eyes that were black as coal. These similes have survived while others-black as ink, a raven, thunder, hell, the devil, my hat, the minister’s coat, the ace of spades-are seldom if ever heard today.

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What is a metaphor for weak?

Weak as a reed. Weak as flesh. Weak as an eddy in the sandy wind. Weak as a bled calf.